Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Protein muffin day

I fell asleep after waking after 5 but was wide awake after 7, time to get things done. The growth ruler for Kaylin was lightly sanded and the numbers/markings stenciled on and the magazine rack touched up all before 9 am. I also fit in 2 cappuccinos by then and some marketing.

It was then on to clear coating K's growth ruler and pulling out two more to get sanded up ready to stain just like this one.. Seeing the horses were napping by the house I took out the pills in some apple treats. Not long after I got back in around 11:30 a big wind blew in.

apple pill pockets

Just before lunch I whipped up these apple protein muffins. I was eating a bowl of turkey soup when Shaina surfaced after 12. She went with the hot muffin and a cappuccino to get her day going. I put the first coat of stain on both sides of the two rulers leaving them to dry for a couple hours. The finished one for Kaylin was staged quick.

Shaina loaded up the magazine rack to be picked up later in the week, food, eggs and such and was off after 2:30. I noticed she forgot the ruler so she turned around and I met her at the gate with it. Whew after all that work to get it done it is on its way. There were even a few rain drops on my way to the gate.

Now back to the garage. I got another ruler board prepped and painted it with the new weathered wood accelerator. This is to go grey vs brown. Not sure I am liking it as well. The two other rulers were stained another dark coat. The wind finally let up after 5 but dropped the temperature from 13 to 10 and continually going down.

1 coat going on

For supper I cooked up the last Hello Fresh meal. The pan seared chicken and potatoes were good but the beans looked awful. I had planned to keep them for someone who liked beans but they are compost.

Back in the garage I added another coat of the weathered wood stain, still not a fan. The 2 rulers were clear coated on the front side BEFORE stenciling this time. With all complete and needing to dry it was time to come in. A smoothie and off to read some of my I am Hutteritte book.

both are stained yet so different

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