Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Yard work day

My morning started with a phone call from Mom, Sheldon awoke and put on coffee for our routine coffee in bed. I got up and did marketing while he relaxed before our day started. This is usually sleepy Tuesday but he has a golf day tomorrow so we headed out to do yard work. I dug around tree bases removing the quack grass and weeds and fluffing the chips while he weed eater then mowed. I made us a healthy smoothie to drink as we did our chores. I trimmed trees as I did the bases.

Britt arrived at 2 as I was getting water on some of the fluffed trees. S caught Roo and worked her in the round pen while I changed to trim her. It took an hour to trim the rascal. S finished up the mowing which took a couple hours as definitely in need of cutting. He set water from the shop tank to water the island. B and I got Roo fitted with her new fly sheet B drove to Cochrane to get her; fancy!

note this is the last time it will be clean and new ;)
She then tried to give Bird and Roo probiotics she purchased too with little luck. I watched enjoying a cold beer from the deck. B then rode while I prepped supper and S napped. We ate our chicken dinner at 5:30 so the baseball player could digest hers before heading to practice after 6.
Roo spent the evening trying to rub the blanket off, here she is full body rubbing on the shelter wall so hard I could see it moving

After I washed dishes I went out to water my garden while S sprayed for dandelions. I got the dogs in for the night to avoid laying and walking in the grass. Not a bad day getting yard work done.

I wrote a blog post for the farmhouse tray. B was back from practice at 9:30 to get Cooper, she quickly ran out and gave the 2 horses their supplements she forgot earlier and checked and found Roo's blanket ripped. What a brat. The fires up north made for quite a sunset.

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