Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Golf and painting

I was up early as I have an acupuncture appointment at 9. S was making coffee as I left. He spent the morning relaxing then unhooking the truck from the dump trailer so he and a friend could go golf in Okotoks leaving at 10:30.

After my appointment I picked up a free valet from a friend; sadly it is missing one of the wood wallet holders so I have to come up with a solution. I filled with diesel, stocked up on beverages and vegetables and headed back to the ranch at 11:30.

Lunch was a healthy chicken salad, I wonder what the golfer might have? I was excited to get a message I had an Etsy sale. It was the green jewelry box so it was all boxed up safely, labelled and ready to go.

Now to get some things done; I scrubbed up the chair I hauled in and left it to dry and wiped the valet ready to paint. Britt wanted me to add a new daily probiotic to a few horses. I started by mixing up the powder with hot water and instantly knew it had yeast in it. Now putting that in a syringe caused quite the bubbling brew but I did get out, catch Switch and Bird and give them this concoction.

Back to the house I noticed Roo's breathing was labored and it seems the destruction she did to her new blanket was prompted by her stress to it so I removed it. It shows 31 on our thermometer but Matt's says 27. The grass is drying fast!

 look at this destruction in only a few short hours

Back inside; I put the first coat of paint on the valet and prepped steak and veggies for supper along with fresh coleslaw.

The trimmings were taken to the "fat" girls and my compost tubs to the garden where I did a demo for Instagram.

Now the valet was dry, I distressed it and put on the 2nd coat. I finished up just as Sheldon and Dave S pulled in from their golf day before 7. My fancy supper plans went out the window as they got busy drinking beer. I walked out to give horses supplements and ate some of my salad and a hard boiled egg. I sanded and distressed the valet and did my work out as the fellows reminisced on the deck with beer. It was another beautiful night. I took them a tray of meat, cheese, crackers and pickles.

Dave's wife Missy arrived after 9 to give him a ride home but it turned into a camp fire evening till 11:30. Shaina made it after work around 10 to have some of my coleslaw salad and relax in bed hoping to get rid of a headache.

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