Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Cool blustery day

I let stoved up Lola out as S made coffee. I rubbed her front to help loosen it up and off she went. After a bite to eat S was off to town for a doctors appointment at 10. I went out and added blue paint to the back of the frame and washed the front. I am not sure I like it as too much paint distressed off but will let dry and see. Then I was inside to catch up and post blog posts and answer emails. Another plank table inquiry if chairs are included... ah NO!

I went out to pick more rock and got sidetracked digging dandelions but was soon forced back inside as shorts are not the attire for today even if the sun is shining. It is only 15 and another blustery day, it better be blowing in that rain ;) Back to the frame; I added more grey over it and think I like it better.

Prince S was back at 2 with groceries and an angus burger for our lunch. Did you know they are 695 calories?? I got this info from our new program ;) After chowing down S was asleep in big brown while I worked on blog posts and marketing,

Back to the garage to sand the table top a bit more and start work laundry. After his slumber S ventured out to pound in the tree fertilizer spikes I bought. I came in and wrote a blog post for the malachite jewelry box and got it added to the other Jolie posts to help drive traffic to my affiliate sales.

For supper I marinated chicken breasts and made yummy wraps. S was off to the hockey viewing room while I tidied up and then got on the computer to update posts and try an hustle my wares. The growth ruler was picked up around 8. And a lady is coming tomorrow at supper to buy the turquoise dresser, I hope so.

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