Sunday, May 26, 2019

Dining table picked up

Sunday is looking to be a lovely day. A cappuccino and marketing got me started. The dining table pick up was requested for 11 so I got dressed for the day and tidied up the main floor. They arrived right on 11 and we had it loaded in short order. Great day to pick up and move furniture, they were even in shorts and flip flops ;)

I started my day good with a green smoothie and thought I would cook up a protein lunch with some bacon seeing I had a tub of tomatoes, loads of lettuce and healthy bread but it turns out bacon is 60% fat and not low calorie in comparison to the protein and one sandwich was 600 calories! But after rousting Britt to help me put clean sheets in Kaylin's room she and I enjoyed every mouthful ;)

staging a photo of a my multipurpose stool and my bleeding heart blooming

We then went out to ride which was lovely seeing the weather was sunny and 22. Riding led to me picking weeds in the back flower bed while Britt worked with Roo. It took her awhile of self exercising to catch the rascal but she did. While tossing dandelions to the "fat" girls I noticed KD'd feet needed trimming so I caught her and took her in to join B trying to trim Roo's bridle path and needing assistance.

always good to have a guard on duty

then a deer went thru the hay filed, the dogs chased then got out run and Switch watched it all the way around the field to the gate

Once KD was trimmed, Britt swapped her and Roo paddocks and gave supplements. It was now 5 o'clock so she loaded up Cooper and they were off for home. I cooked up another pan of veggies but enjoyed them with a cold beer after my busy day. However by 7:30 after a shower and meditation (day 5 you know) I was craving salty food and gave in to temptation and ate some miss Vicky's chips. Yes I am now over my daily limit but they sure tasted good and I savored each one ;)

I got poor "back to crippled" miss Lola in for the night and with a cup of tea I got cozy to watch the last of the WhatIf season. But feeling guilty about the chips I did 15 minutes of exercise to counteract them, so glad I have an iPad to entice me to climb stairs and jog on the spot ;)

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