Saturday, May 11, 2019

Busy as a Bee!!

Awake before 7, this is too early but the weather was beautiful and no wind so I shall rejoice. I did marketing and catch up until the tub tray customer arrived at 11. She visited briefly as well as stopping at the horses for a quick visit and on her way.

I tried to get the laundry sign photographed to scale with little luck

I changed into work clothes (yep I dressed up for her pickup as I usually look like a hobo painter) and headed out to hand dig dandelions. If only they were worth $$ I could be rich ;) but the horses love them. I filled two of these large lids for them.

I tweaked KD's foot so while I had the rasp I did some hair removal too

Time to haul out all my yard décor and continue trying to pull quack grass from tree bases, Oh my goodness, there is lots of quack grass too.

Britt and Cooper arrived just before 2:30 bearing a lovely plant for Mother's day, THANKS B XOXOX. She ate her sub while I went out and scrubbed a table up for next painting project.

Then she and I got busy in the barn. She washed a couple pieces of tack and swept while I hauled out the décor we have been procrastinating about. For the next couple hours we kept busy getting things hung. We did come to a stop until the electrician gives us a diagram of the electrical cables behind the last wall.

 This is only the start ;)

That and we needed to take a break and shave a cat. Mr J was happy to get rid of the mats as usual every spring. Then she and I caught Switch and Bird and tacked up. I trimmed S's bridle path before we set out. B locked up Cooper but Lola came along. I had taken the gate remote and after trying to come in the south side of the fence and finding too much machinery in the way to pass we were heading back only to find the remote gone. After a bit of searching I found it!!

Lola enjoys Bird's food and is a good clean up crew

It is so gorgeous and our thermometer says 28 which might be a bit over (24 on Matt's) Great day for a ride. Back at the barn we untacked, hosed and fed. The 2 were let into the south paddocks that had been closed off to start breaking up the herd into paddocks. The grass has really greened up over the last day or 2.

 B caught Roo, after a few loops of the chase game, while I cooked up supper. As it was cooking I ran out the supplements and she gave those after grooming and working with Roo with tonight's lesson; spray bottles.

I ate at 8 as she did not come in till bit later. Mom and Dad arrived around 9. We visited until 11 (B tried to help Gran with a translation to text solution) and all headed to bed.

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