Thursday, May 30, 2019

First official training session

The wind picked up like crazy after 5 am so I got up to close a few windows and the garage door that was sucking in and out. I did manage to fall back asleep after an hour or so but missed putting on coffee for Shaina who was out the door at 9. I did promise her a hot Short rib dinner so got up to get it made and left to simmer for the am. The wind howled all day.

S hooked up the truck again to the dump trailer and was off to fill the water totes after 11. I black waxed the valet and prepped veggies to go with the ribs. S was back at 12:30 with Shaina not far behind. She crawled back into bed with a headache so I got lunch on the go as I am starved.

Lunch was so yummy, try that recipe! S was in after putting water on trees and Shaina joined after her nap. After she shared workout information as I washed pots and pans and S went to help neighbor Marvin with the skid steer. Shaina and I battled the crazy wind and thick smelling smoke to give Switch, Bird and KD joined the ranks their probiotics. Here is KD's before photo. We also put her fly sheet on as this girl loves her rug and hates bugs.

her expression says it all .. she no like

Back to the house for our first official workout with the trainer. It was a good one with her demonstrating all we need to know going forward and correcting our mistakes during the workout. Thanks Shaina.

S promptly went into a coma in big brown as she and I enjoyed a fresh smoothie for a light supper. She was loaded up including taking my Etsy parcel she forgot this am to drop at post office after 5:30 and was on her way. S woke to have some of the coleslaw I had made for last night, salad and leftovers for supper then caught the Raptors first part of the game. I hauled the chair outside and sanded the seat, edge and back down but I need to remove the back to get it all.

off it goes to Illinois

another blooming apple tree but look at the smoky sky

He was off for another load of water at 7:30, I headed out to dump clean and refill the far paddock water tub. Then it was time to water my garden and try and hand mow some weeds in the paddock but they are too big ;( When S got back, he dumped water on the caraganas we planted that I found 3 were drying up, rats. I came back in at 9 for a hot cappuccino as that wind was still brisk and cool and smoky. I wrote a blog post for the grey side tables. He was back inside not long after caught the end of the game and hit the sheets.

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