Saturday, September 22, 2018

Lance’s wedding

We set a leave the house by 10 and managed to be heading out the gate with one minute to spare. Snow seemed to have landed north and east of us but we lucked out and only had freezing rain, the deck was very slippery, cars looked shiny and all my planters were ice covered when I pullled one in to the garage when we pulled the car out.

Even though we had coffee prior to leaving, Shaina was hungry so we whipped into Brooks on our way to the Hat. She and Jacob got soup and beverage to hold them over for a bit, Sheldon and I settled for a tea and donut. I remembered on the highway I forgot my good camera in the loading up process ;(

Arriving at Grama and Papa (they just left for Spain yesterday) we all quickly got dressed for the wedding. The rustic grey table was picked up too. Hustling out the door by 1 and taking a round about route to the wedding ceremony, we made it just in time once again ;) It was a lovely ceremony even though moved inside due to the inclimate weather.

Having some time before the evening events at 7 we headed back to the “quest house” for a beer and crib. Auntie Candace joined us for a great catch up. After 5 we were all off, she to a hockey game and us to eat at the Beefeater. The beef Neptune was good but not as amazing as my memory thought.

photographer Shaina with and with out the kitchen in the background

Our next stop was the ceremony where we enjoyed the next 7 hours. This young man holds a special place in my heart and being part of his big day was an honor. It was a lovely country decor with hand made wooden coasters and burlap wild flower seed packs as the take home gifts.

 Dang cell camera, I took 2 pics both with poor Jacobs eyes near closed.. my bad. Words from Shaina, always check your pics.. dang!


Dancing and socializing till about 1 am when I drove us safely back to our AirBNB.

the rustic sign I made them as part of the gift

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