Monday, September 24, 2018

catch up day

Today is a catch up day, catch up a little sleep and rest for some ;) and marketing for others. Lance's wedding post was much easier seeing I forgot my camera ;( The horses were all sleeping near the house, S took this picture. I went out and gave Hawk his pill and tried to get Bird's eye meds in.

The jewelry box had a few pics taken and I added another coat of blue to the frame in the garage.

A wee bit of rain marked the window briefly before lunch. I did go out after it passed to take a couple pics of Bird's eye and put more drops in.

S woke from his morning nap at 1 and prepped for heading north eventually leaving after 2. I staged a few more photos of the vintage bar case and got a post for it on My Etsy store done up along with the red S&P set on there as well as Varage.

I also need catch up of photos I missed, Sheldon took these of the day he filled in part of the trench and moved gravel back with the skidsteer last week

I wrote a blog post for the salt and pepper sets I recently painted up. The day reached almost 10 but was so blustery. Another rain squall rolled thru briefly at 6 then the wind let up at least. I wrote up 3 more how to blogs and will post over the week. While doing so I started another series on Netflix called Atypical and finished the first season by the time I turned out the lights. (Ok they are only 30 min each and 8 episodes in the season)

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