Wednesday, September 19, 2018

city run

Brr another overcast start to the day, Matt stopped with a parcel he wants us to take to the Hat this w/e in case post office goes on strike. He had a wee visit while I snapped staging photos of the rustic farmhouse tables

difference between the grey and white versions

S was then off to town to grab a part being fixed and drop his truck off to have new tires put on. I left right after at 11 and picked him, we grabbed a pumpkin spice latte from McDonalds for the drive to the city. Arriving at 12 we waited in line at Milestones to eat lunch. I had text Kaylin to meet us but she was still sleeping after working last night.

After a lengthy wait the food came quick and I made it to my dermatologist appointment with plenty of time to spare. S went shopping in the mall then we met up after and drove to Starbucks near Kaylin for a treat and a visit. Shaina is in Penticton on a wee vacation.

We stopped back in town to pick up the truck and fuel up both. I grabbed the mail on the way home arriving back after 4 with S soon behind me. I had posted a picture of the 2 tables and my phone lit up with interest. I thought about keeping them but this indicates otherwise.

Once I got more information posted I went out to give Hawk pill and take hutch glass out of the truck backseat that has been riding around since we picked it up. S went out and started the pumps in the water tanks to drain.

After supper we started a new series on Netflix called Peaky Blinders and made it thru the first episode before prince was napping. I showered and watched some YouTube before calling it a night.

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