Sunday, September 16, 2018

Dogs have Fleas

I woke at 4 to a rain down pour and when I checked a bit later it said one tenth. Coop wanted out just after 8 so everyone was awake. B noticed she had multiple flea bites which led to both dogs getting bathed (a chore with the poor long haired flea carrier) mainly by Britt, I was the water and soap dispenser.

this dog has hair.. poor thing they managed to get to the skin and bite lots but wow was she fluffy and white once all scrubbed and dry

I hauled out garage rugs and swept her sleeping areas and B vacuumed the main floor and basement after having had him all over since they got here. We both showered up quick before getting on with the day.

I dark waxed my little pumpkins and put in the dough bowl. I whipped up Hot cappuccinos to motivate us on our tasks.

She finished her laundry and now the bed linen and packed up more to take back. We made her bed fresh and brought her stuff to the door to load when back from town. I wrote a post for the painted pumpkins. This motivated her to buy her own vacuum so off we went to town to pick out one. Seeing it was now 1 I bought us chicken strip meal before heading to Walmart then made a stop at the dollar store where she loaded up on organization stuff and kitchen goodies.

Back at the ranch she loaded her stuff while I walked out to give Hawk his pills in the misty wet field. She loaded up Coop and they were headed for "home" before 3. I was off to work in the garage on the cabinet putting the back on and getting more done on the large coffee table. I also took the end table apart and scrubbed it up. I had presold it to my friend Krystalle but had to decline after deciding that a matching end table is always best to have with the coffee table and seeing I already said the grey one was sold I best keep this one.

After a supper break of leftover tuna casserole I was back in the garage painting the first coat on the end table, 2nd on the coffee table and back to the 2nd coat on the end table. Of course as all was complete I decided to sand an area which required more shellac and first coat ;/ but most is good to go tomorrow. I came in before 10 to curl up with my good friend Netflix.

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