Friday, September 7, 2018

30 degree day

I was awake at 8 am thanks to a darn telemarketing phone call … grrrrr. Prince made coffee and we got on with the day not long after and what a beauty day it was hitting 30+. When I went out to give Hawk his pill I found the salt/mineral tub empty so refilled it while S installed his wireless rain gauge (bday gift that arrived) in the island.

The gate leg table was picked up around 11 with a dresser dropped off in exchange. What a fantastic week of sales. I am so grateful for all of them. I started on the cabinet again before stopping quick for a bite to eat.

S weed whacked some Canada thistle along the south fence before running to town to pick up a new filter for his truck, drop off recyclables and a few other errands. I sanded for a couple more hours on the cabinet then started the buffet project with final sanding and painting the first coat of black. The last step was adding the stain/oil to the top then all was left to dry.

Once back from town, the mighty hunter took the ranger to decimate the last gopher then put his truck back together again. The day was so darn beautiful! I prepped the veggies for the steak barbecue and at 6 we started to cook finishing up by 7 to eat. B however did not get home till after 7:30 to eat her share. I worked on the blog and wrote up the patina lamp post while S troubleshooted the dishwasher that did not clean the last washed loads or well for the last while. It was disgusting what he found, take your dishwasher apart folks and deep clean more then every 7 years ;)

We were getting ready to watch a movie when I heard the dogs barking in alarm. I hiked out into the field calling and only Lola came back with a snout full of porcupine quills. Britt was called to go out and get Cooper, Sheldon took the ranger out to try and help but was back in no time and held Lola while I pulled the 6 quills out. Good girl was a great patient. Cooper had none. We then watched The Sea of Trees which was a good show after a slow start.

below is the removed quills minus one I tossed already

S then fell asleep as I started a new series on Netflix called Stay Here. I really like it as it takes crappy places and makes them pretty and full of potential. Shutting it off as drifting I heard the coyotes go crazy and not long after the sound of feet. Thinking it was the horses I checked out all decks with the front last, just in time to see a juvenile porcupine come around the corner!! I called Sheldon and Britt came up from her movie she was watching and we contemplated what to do. S had one plan we kyboshed so he went back to bed. I watched a couple more episodes and sure enough he was on his/her way after a half hour nap on the deck.

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