Wednesday, May 20, 2015

windy wednesday, Deb turns 50!

Wednesday was windy ;( Sheldon grabbed a few Costco supplies before he headed home from his night out and sleep over at the girls. A  quick change and he was off to town to get a new windshield put in the truck and repair the rental stove issue.

After Britt was off to school I spent the day cleaning for the cleaners ;) It is not really cleaning as they will attest to but rather putting away things that block their cleaning speed and when paying by the hour, this is a great help to both parties.

Laundry was part of this process too. It is a great motivator to have cleaners in so many ways. Very close to bi annual rummage sale that gives incentive to purge and downsize. You know you are blessed when this is an issue, too much stuff ;)

I signed up for another Saje seminar, any one want to join myself, Amanda and good friend Lori? It is on back to basics of essential oils and their use, June 9th @ Chinook.

Sheldon did not get home till close to 4 after his day in town. Britt worked after school so missed supper with us but eventually after I got him motivated after a nap and food we went out and planted the 2 small fir trees I had him pick up for free from a kind lady in town.
Then it was time to water the tress, pick up poop, bones and wood, roll up electric fence & hoses for tomorrows mowing. Sheldon worked on trying to get the old probe started but no luck. Poor Diego was not feeling well at all so into his favorite garage for the night. He got lots of checks and pets to help him heal up from what seems like a swollen gland/bite? under his neck.
Today is also Deb's 50th birthday, HAPPY big 5-0!!!

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