Friday, May 22, 2015


Friday am, the fellow from up north confirmed he left at 7:30 am and was on his way. Britt was off to school while we enjoyed a hot coffee slow start. Tree watering was underway early and continued ALL DAY!! The couple arrived, liked the truck, went for coffee to think it over. Sheldon replaced the broken rail & reattached another while waiting moving water every now and then too.

I was putting out garden treasures. While carrying the huge box from the storage trailer I stopped to spank a cat clawing up the poor poplar tree, my "Grandma" Buddha fell out and smashed his face, whaaaaaa. Time to try and glue him together after setting up the rest.
The couple returned with the $$, signed papers and were off leaving the truck for an inspection and warranty on a headlight Monday morning. The window washers arrived but it was not long before they packed up and were off, the original $50 quote went up to $125. It was time for me to get out my bucket. First off we ate lunch, packed into the skid steer and off to the gate where I brought the truck back to the house and Sheldon worked on spreading the pit compost pile.
 squishy little seat for two not to mention the over bar that has to go down over both of us to run it
My windows looked much better in no time. Time for a cold beverage on the deck as the day was a beauty with a high of 24. The wind was occasional breezy but also had perfect lulls. The day was filled with grad preparations but after supper we took the dogs for a walk ending with a bath for big D!

Poor Ada fell and cracked her chin open tonight requiring some glue, XOXOX on the boo boo missy. Mom and Dad arrived later in the evening bring tons of snacks and treasures. Kaylin and Lexi arrived tonight too ready for early morning prep ;)

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