Saturday, May 16, 2015


RAIN, I awoke to rain, hallelujah! When I fed the dogs there was about 1/2" in the pots, fabulous. And it was rainy and drizzly most of the day. This made it a rather dreary day. A good day for Britt to work 10-4. Also a good day for me to make chocolate chip cookies, especially since when I was organizing the storage room I found 3 jumbo Costco bags of chips!
 proof of moisture!
I even cracked out some new pans and while they baked I posted more items for free and sale online and even got some bites.

Sheldon drew American Pharaoh in their work pool and low and behold he won again, Pharaoh that is ;) Sheldon had Carpe Diem last week, this week he had to split the wins as only 8 horses ran and 16 guys in the pool, but a win is a win right ;) So lets see if Sheldon can draw him for the Belmont and a chance at the triple crown 2nd year in a row for that same jockey.
during a break in the rain, these sillies got to running and bucking,
always fun to watch
Later in the afternoon I watched a couple Nashville, seems I have 10 episodes on the PVR, yikes. Britt came home from work as I started # 2 and fell fast asleep after her late arrival home last night being the DD for her friends then working all day.

Kaylin, Aaron and Lexi are spending the long w/e in Kelowna, have fun in the sun! Nephew Riley graduated this week, big congrats to him!! Very proud of you Ri!
here is 4 generations, yay GG Grama! 97 and still attending graduations. So wish she could come to Britt's but it is just to far making a very long day but we hope to get Britt in her dress down to see her this summer.

Nephew Robby also had his formal prom this w/e, his actual grad is June 8th, yay Rob, looking handsome!
Shaina came out for the night (we had planned to ride but rain changed that, rain started up again as she arrived but that is perfect and welcome) joining us for a yummy sausage/perogy supper started with a spinach salad! Wish I had a rain guage out but it was a well needed soaking. We had a fun girls visit then Britt was off to the Station to help another 18 celebrate their bday while Shaina and I got cozy in the big comfy bed and watched Labor Day and most of The Other Woman but I had to call it with 30 min to go as I was drifting!

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