Wednesday, May 13, 2015

bit chilly and overcast

Wednesday.. hump day almost middle of May!! Time to do accounting and deworm all the dogs ;) As the trunk is being picked up tonight, I was buffing and tweaking, I painted the drawer back as it shows a bit, OCD to the rescue ;)
Just after 11 I was off to town for errands and an acupuncture session. I got some new leggings and a car buffer for my wax projects as well as a cute plant stand. A stop at the take it or leave it provided a wood picture frame, draining mat for my brushes, another can of paint and a cool light fixture that may make a neat plant hanger.

A stop at the bank to get the draft for the new "used" truck I pick up tomorrow was right next to Opa, so lunch it was with a Tim's chai to wash down. I had to stop there for a gift card as part of a grad gift. Finally it was back to the ranch now after 2, blustery and only 12 (says 15 but must have been only minutes) but bits of sun.

My incorporation books need to be turned in so I got working on that as Britt got home from school. After a snack she went to roach Bird's mane. I was on hold with Bell, after finally opening the replacement PVR, I found it roared with an annoying fan sound GREAT! Only took half hour to say they would send yet another replacement, good grief! More tweaking on the trunk, I added more black glaze along the lid rim then another coat of wax and a good buff before they arrived. Britt took her newly coiffed pony out for a little bareback training.
Lola takes notes ;) ah pretty Bird.. and B
My customers arrived promptly at 6 bringing an old dresser her parents brought from Russia to be reloved. It is a great piece, apparently they hid pictures behind the glass in the mirror when they came over in the 1920's, how cool! They loved the trunk and after a visit and dresser consult, we loaded up the trunk and they were off. Britt left not long after to head to the gym to enjoy an actual day off workout.

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