Thursday, May 21, 2015

posted GMC

Thursday started out sunny and no wind. Britt dropped Coco at the groomers on her way to late start Thursday school as the cleaning girls arrived. Sheldon took his couple cups of coffee on the deck enjoying the sun and now ind but this was short lived, not long later it picked up and blew for the rest of the day. It hit a high of 21 but there was a breeze, to keep mozzies away I guess.

He and I got busy in the yard while they cleaned. He mowed and weed eated while I cut plastic guards for the remaining big tree bases to prevent damage and did final poop/bone/rock scoop. Diego was feeling better this am, I gave them both a soup bone each to entertain them. I gave the horses hay and brushed both Julio and Lola to keep removing loose hair they are shedding. I also gave the garden boxes all a good water and one of the front beds. I had the large ladder brought in so I could scale it to the top window and add some blue insulators too.

Time for a quick bowl of soup and cookies served in the garage with a cold beer if you are Sheldon and ice tea for me. It was then time for me to head to town at noon, Amanda is kindly highlighting my hair. The kids are always entertaining too. Thanks Triple A!!! XOXOXO Once my luscious locks were highlighted, trimmed and blown dry I was off to have a quick tan, donate books and magazines at the library, it was time to pick up Coco who too had a new do!
Back at the ranch Sheldon was having beers with some former co-workers while the girls were finishing up cleaning. Thanks Little Touches, I so love the fresh cleaned house! He had gotten most of the mowing done and it looks so good. After they were off, he finished up and even weed whipped the gate that looked a bit scruffy. Time to join in to the cold beer world while I did up a spec sheet on the GMC, printed it up and once the signs were in all the windows, drove it to the approach for some highway advertising. Sheldon posted on Kijiji and in less than an hour a fellow replied he was interested, by the end of the night he arranged to drive down from Sherwood Park and hoped we would not show anyone else till he got to see it, sure thing buddy.

Sheldon's next project was power washing, starting with the deck and naturally gravitating to the lawn mower and skid steer. The skid steer only after he drug me steering the probe around the yard to position in front of the shop for future work.

 this nut was helping me water trees

Once supper was under the belt, we took the dogs for a walk. We found the truck signs had fallen so back the house for tape and keys then back to restick. Back at the house it was 26 inside so off came the cover and the A/C went into commission much to Sheldon's enjoyment.

Britt got home late after work flashing her newly gelled nails, a gift from her tanning salon boss, how lucky.

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