Sunday, May 31, 2015

lovely hot Sunday last day of May

Sunday, what a beauty day. I enjoyed a coffee while cruising the internet a bit then out on the deck.
 did I say I love my comfy bed and new sheets, makes it hard to get out
 but I thought I would see what my nightstand had stocked, what you think Shaina? ;)

my coffee crew
It was then time to get busy in the garage top coating the night stand. While It dried I ventured outside putting Hawk in hobbles to mow lawn while I did the crappy poop picking duty. Some of the new trees got some water as did the grass and the garden once a lady stopped to get some perennials I had to share. I moved Hawk and brought Switch too, to the round pen to mow in there.

He was not to sure about them, for the most part I would go remove, mover him to a new area and put back on ;)

Lola tries her darnedest to win the horses over, great chance when Hawk is hog tied I guess but as soon as I approach I get the "please rub my tummy"

Back to the garage to glue the next project and start glazing the nightstand. The dresser couple arrived promptly at 2;30 as they always are. We loaded and visited but as I was closing the garage door as they drove away I saw the mirror. I grabbed it and ran out trying to flag them down as they meandered down the driveway. No luck So I threw it in the back seat, ran inside grabbed the keys and raced after them. As luck would have it I had to wait for a truck & trailer and a car so ended up even farther behind but managed to gain on them by Glenmore corner and honking and waving they finally stopped about the 24 corner. Apparently they were just discussing who put the mirror in so perhaps I could have waited but it is all about the good customer service here at Creative Moments.
Once back home I finished glazing and updated blog quick while waiting for Britt and Shaina to arrive. Today along with a bit of conditioning is a wee practice or at least that was the plan. They arrived home, changed and we were off enjoying the 26 degree heat. It was a challenge riding in this since it is only May and a bit of a change but it was fun.

We found Lola and Switch both like to get the spongy balls, note to everyone, do not leave unattended or they may be $40 bits of sponge. I made us tacos while the girls fed all horses hay, thanks girls. I jumped in the shower before PVR time while Shaina had friends over to shoot pop cans and visit and Britt chilled. Another all round great day.

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