Saturday, May 23, 2015

Britt's big day, grad 2015 (pix heavy)

Today is Brittany's really big day, her grade 12 graduation. Thanks to the glam squad who accented her beautiful assets & Gail for the pretty bling she was soon set for the first portion of the day; ceremonies. Thanks to Sheldon and Dad for securing seats for us all at the standing room only gymnasium. (214 graduates with unlimited family and friends fills up quick)

Britt's love of animals shows in her choice of picture mates ;)
 the group

 then it was time to run back home fro snacks, refreshments and change into THE DRESS!
 the glam squad ;)

 the Paetz men


 On to the photo shoot

Julio thought perhaps she had his lunch so came running but the main love was the focus

 Switch badly wanted to be part of the photo shoot, luckily she managed to get herself in a few and with Asher and Shaina too

 Switch is still interested in this pretty shiny dress

 love a self timer..
 now off to the banquet

 time to place her escort Shane's boutineer with out stabbing him

 success and below the pretty corsage he bought her

 with the besties

 these two go way back, congrats Shelby, you look fantastic!

 the motley Monday spare crew!

 Jamie and Auntie Mindy saved us seats at the next portion, the grand march and evening ceremonies

 here Britt and Shane rock the runway (after a wee step on her own dress requiring a lift)

 Olivia trying out Shaina's lipstick

 Daddy dance

 some tired feet!
 time to grab yet more snacks before heading home to change for the final segment of the day

Sheldon and I changed to as we are security at safe grad
A fun night was had by the grads and we manged to be home and in bed by 4 am ;) CONGRATS Britt, we are most proud of you on this memorable day! XOXOXO

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