Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Prince takes an early flight home

Britt was back to school after I gave her a reminder wake up. Big pre grad week it is. I got coffee going and rousted Shaina at 9:30 giving her the choice to come in to town with me earlier then her hair with Amanda or ride and I will come back for her. She chose the ride, so made us eggs while I got ready to head in to my massage. Just as I was about to leave I got a text cancelling it from the massage gal. Good catch! I changed into jeans and we headed out in the wind (yet again) to catch, saddle and ride the ponies. At least it was sunny ;)

Once back I gave Lola a brushing as the coat is blowing out like crazy, by the hand fulls while the horses grazed a bit and Shaina lulled with her cat. This was when I had a text message from a gal I was to meet after the massage, opps, lost that sale and one from Sheldon saying he landed and was in Strathmore, did I want lunch. Why sure ;) I dropped Shaina at Amanda's and they got busy on making her hair all long and pretty again. Sheldon met me there, he and I made a few stops to pick up items I scored (1 lady not home) then had lunch at Opa.

He dropped me back at Amanda's where I gave Ada her birthday gift and visited while the hair was finished up. Now Shaina and I headed home in the Buick. She dropped me to tan quick as she ran to the pharmacy quick, then we got an ice cap, the mail and ventured home. She quickly applied some makeup before Shannon stopped to pick her up and they were off home to the city.

 Ada loves her puppies.. dog trainer in the future?
Sheldon had stopped at the rental house to trouble shoot a stove issue. Looks like it is a bigger problem then anticipated and will require more research and work. He was now napping on the couch as he has a big team building night (that is code word for night on the town in the big city and another sleepover at the girls) ahead.

Britt was home bringing my latest PVR replacement with her, she was at tanning salon as I was coming out then hit the gym before coming home. She spent time showing Sheldon all the cars she found online for sale, trimmed his neck then got ready and was off to ball.

Sheldon cut his hair and actually shaved his Hutterite beard off. Yay I say, now all gussied up he ate supper I had ready and was off on his big night out. I felt sluggish after a late night, early morning and couple days of wind but the sun beckoned me and the wind had let up to a light breeze. The dogs love their walk so off we went. We filled the water tank as we walked then hauled out a bale to all the poor starving ponies (KD had broke a rail overnight trying to get more grass along the drive) after. I planted the potatoes I got today and gave Lola a brush out on the other side. The yard looks like white soft fluffy snow covering and floating everywhere. These evenings are my favorite, sunny warm no bugs or heavy wind.. and they go late. At 10:30 the sky was still glowing on the horizon with blues above.

what a goof

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