Wednesday, March 4, 2015

tree damage ;(

Sadly the headache continued waking me at 4 and created a restless sleep till morning. Sheldon brought me a water when he was leaving that did not seem to help either. They say a chinook is rolling in, perhaps that is it. Nausea followed but after a bit of breakfast, peppermint halo and a couple migraine pills all subsided enough to walk the dogs. Seeing she entertains herself trying to pull who knows what out of the road.
They were thrilled as usual but when I ran to grab a ball to play fetch I found this branch which had me running to check my trees. Sure enough, the beavers had chewed up 3 of my young trees. WTH! If it is not deer or hail it is now dog. After a wee sob I got the ball and took for a good long walk in the sun but -4 to tucker them out.

 so upsetting ;(

One thing I noticed in our week gone was how much more she grew, and her bark is deeper yet. The snow really melted as well but on the walk I found that most of it turned to treacherous ice everywhere. I hope the chinook helps melt this away.
Britt once home from school quickly changed and was off to spend the rest of the day with Shaina. They went our for sushi and had a great night. I cooked up a new chicken recipe for supper for Sheldon and I, he kindly stopped at Costco after testing to help restock a few things. Britt called at midnight on her way home saying her phone was dying and she only had 9 litres of gas, Oh child! Luckily to be sure, she put some in at Langdon which was still open. Always be prepared in winter.


  1. So Lola really chewed off the trees. Try putting some cayene pepper or I got some spray to stop chewing although never used it ;-( The lashes looked beautiful when new. I figured they would never last on me as I rub my eyes too much.

  2. it seems so, shoot, should have sent with C to let me try ;)
    that is something you cant do or lay on your side to sleep ;)
