Friday, March 13, 2015

sunny days continue +17 again

Flex Friday, coffee and tablets and a sleep in for B. Once up I sanded the filler on my dresser while Sheldon spent the morning kicking back and trouble shooting a dimmer switch issue in the TV room. Turns out the switch will not work with LED bulbs! I started painting the dresser drawers and mirror with milk paint, then sanded and dark waxed one to see if I liked.
 drawer straight, time to rip a board to replace the back of the drawer and get it all repaired

 the dark waxed in the middle above shown in situ too, what you think?

Britt got up and she and I went out for a conditioning ride before she went to work. We also managed to shed out more hair, or at least I did on Hawk ;) Sheldon joined us in the shop and was kind enough to use scrap pieces to rebuild my furniture trolley. Britt was off to work for 3-9 while I finished painting the dresser. Sheldon weighed in on his dark wax opinion while stopping for a beer and dropping my new trolley off. The day was another amazing one hitting high of 17.
definitely more sturdy than the last one we made from darn particle board
While my dresser dried I went out to enjoy more of the sunshine scooping dog dung. Almost ALL the snow is gone except a skiff around the fence line or shade of shelters. The wheelbarrow was full so the dogs and I walked it to the pit. Sheldon built a ramp on the north horse door as his 2nd building project of the day, again with scraps from the shop build. This will be so awesome as the gravel line around the building is so soft so getting thru the doors dangerous for the horses. THANKS Bob you builder. (think it was another good chance to use his new air nailer) Time for a cold beer and snack.
Seems still good light now at 7 so Sheldon got rails ready for tomorrow's project and I dark waxed the entire dresser. Not long and he was back in to watch sports, not the Flames as he does not have that package on the dish... just ask him ;)
I also tried a dry brush on the dry drawer from this afternoon. It is in the center of the 2 dark waxed drawers, I like how it adds definition and is not so muddy looking. I shall do this on all tomorrow once dry.
But after finishing blog and closing the barn board dresser auction at 9,  I had to go do the dry brushing on the dresser, pictures to be posted tomorrow. Then watch some more Call the Midwife till wee hours.

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