Thursday, March 5, 2015

chinook arrives

Sunshine and lollipops.. what a beauty Thursday. Britt had her late start but left loaded up with goodies since the fridge was full. I got busy sweeping the garage and repairing a couple pieces so they could dry before starting. It was time then to walk the dogs after a few games of fetch which Lola is really catching on to. We took a different walk thru the trees and if I could only train her to put all the trash she picks up in a bag we would be golden. There were Tim cups everywhere.. boo people on 817!
It was getting so nice out but all still froze just going above zero so I did the dreaded nasty poop scooping for a bit, fed Julio his treats and refilled the mineral/salt tubs. After a quick snack it was time to work on another project, this one involved about 1/2 hour of drilling a nasty glue out of a small wall rack. What did they use?? Good grief it was horrible to try and remove.
In one week it will be 2 years since I started Creative Moments so I posted yet another giveaway. It is open to all family and friends so stop on over and enter, you all are my support to keep going. By now it was plus 10 and things were melting, now if they only soak in and not just spread the ice out more when freezes again. I took an hour and used the furminator on  the horses, there were quite a few who continued to move to me to get their turn over and over, it works like a dam! I also gave both dogs a full brush which they too loved!

Sheldon was home a bit later but has tomorrow off, back again next week. Sports for him and Call the Midwife for me, hot baths and bed. A kind neighbor dropped soup bones off for me around 9:30 just after Britt got home from work, hope these work as wood chewing distractions, thanks Tara! Shaina did make a sale for me on the chair she took in for a lady to get this evening too, thanks Shaina!

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