Tuesday, March 10, 2015

barn board dresser under way

Tuesday the ground and windows were covered with frosty dew and only plus 1. Good thing Lola loves the cooler temperatures sleeping outside overnight. But it was sunny and no wind so a great day!  I posted a price on my stools and they sold in about half an hour, yeah! Time to get working on the dresser again. It got 3 colors painted on and sprayed the hardware, then while drying I took the dogs for a walk.
first coat above goes on, then the progress below after 3 and the finish below
Once back it was time to start the rest of the barn board finish. As I was working on this Sheldon arrived home from work and picking me up another dresser, THANKS! He also then changed the oil in the Buick after all its trips to and from the city.
see how the finish adds dimension and a more barn board feel.. and the oil changer in the background

I was cooking up a late supper when Matt stopped by for a visit and have some wood cut. He joined us for supper and beers which lead to rums and a late night. Britt arrived home from work late to after hitting the gym.

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