Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New Years Eve

Holy cow, it’s New Year’s Eve! Fortunately, we’re both feeling a bit better. My rash is subsiding, which is awesome, but I did stop the meds to see. It snowed softly all day, with a chilly -10 at the start. We began the day with a cozy coffee in bed, watching another Ransom after I fed Harley. Then, it was time to get back to our routine. We stripped off the sheets from our bed and Shaina’s room, where K and R slept. I spent some time marketing and submitted my time sheets for the last month of the year, just in time. Then, I worked on catching up on my blog, as I’ve been so far behind due to vacation and the plague. Renn is feeling much better today, which is great news!

S collected garbage, sorted recyclables, and took a nap in the big brown recliner. Around 2 p.m., the sun peeked through, and we had a BT sandwich. I continued doing laundry and started setting up my new phone. However, this turned into a disaster because my new phone has half the storage capacity of my old one, causing issues. I backed up my photos and the phone, but unfortunately, I couldn’t resolve the problem.

Matt & Shaina's lunch date with little miss

B was off work early today and was out at around 3:30 to feed and then head home. Harley's food was ordered but will not be delivered until Thursday.

The snow continued to fall as we ventured out for a hot tub. The temperature was a bone-chilling -12 degrees. We enjoyed leftovers for supper while watching the junior Canada and USA teams compete. I persisted in troubleshooting my phone issues with Apple, which led to another lengthy call that ultimately failed to resolve the problem. We settled into bed and watched TV, witnessing Canada’s loss and some of the Flames’ victories, as well as another ransom before turning off the lights for the year 2024.

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