Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Blog catchup continues

My sleep didn't go as planned - Beans acted like a child (who snores) at his first sleepover, waking up at 3:30 to go outside, then leaping off the bed at 5, which meant I had to go get him. At 7, he was ready to start the day. I put a leash on him to keep on the bed, and eventually, we both settled down and slept past 8.

brushing her teeth before 8 am

kitchen complete

walking to school

free play

S started the coffee, and after feeding the dogs, I brought him his cup in bed. The dogs and I stayed in the main room, engaging in their usual morning tug-of-war. It's time to work on the computer and post Wednesday's blog. We've been outside frequently, enjoying the mild plus 5 weather working on bathroom skills for Beans. The snow is melting quickly, which is pleasant for us and the horses, but it's turning the dogs' paws muddy. And yes, we're also working on improving our interactions with the cat, right Beans?

S enjoyed his porridge while relaxing in the big brown chair with his phone. Meanwhile, I caught up on some accounting work that had been pending for a while. S then went outside to clear away all the deer-related items and stored the chains from his skid steer auger and the bits he purchased on Sunday. He's been actively shopping, ordering new winter boots, picking up white camo gear in the city while fetching a friend for the power tour, and buying a new water bottle for hockey at Cross Iron, having lost two large metal ones recently.

After cleaning out the ranger, he brought over the Christmas tree and began unpacking it, which necessitated moving things around, including the newly assembled kitchen. He vacuumed a bit, left the vacuum out to have lunch, and then went back outside.

one year ago today memory

I applied a second coat of grey to the coffee table before 2 PM while S went to Matt's, presumably to finish the chicken coop. The sun emerged, accelerating the thaw. Beans longed to play with Jay, but to no avail. After a late lunch of leftovers and my Spanish lessons—which I had missed yesterday due to a busy schedule—I managed to maintain my learning streak. Then, I resumed catching up on blog posts. S returned before 3 PM; he hadn't gone to finish the work but to troubleshoot a door problem that arose with the cold. He tried again 45 minutes later, but without success.

Having posted Thursday's update now, I prepared Friday's post for the morning. Next, I enlisted S's help to go through the credit card bill, which I had misplaced. For dinner, S grilled beef tenderloin, served with twice-baked potatoes and a broccoli slaw salad kit—a delicious meal that spared me from cooking, a definite win-win!

helper Renn

He was prepared to watch the Flames game, featuring a significant tribute to Gaudreau family. Meanwhile, I set out to locate the puppy fencing to construct a sleeping area for Beans, who snores. Just then, B and Coop showed up. The dogs accompanied me in the search while she took care of feeding. B was off, so I went to bed to watch some episodes of 1883. After the game finished, S came to join me in watching Yellowstone. Harley chose to go to the garage to sleep (and get a rest I think) so I put Beans in her kennel for the night but once the TV was turned off he began to cry. I got him and put him in bed where he quickly snuggled in for the night.

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