Tuesday, December 31, 2024

New Years Eve

Holy cow, it’s New Year’s Eve! Fortunately, we’re both feeling a bit better. My rash is subsiding, which is awesome, but I did stop the meds to see. It snowed softly all day, with a chilly -10 at the start. We began the day with a cozy coffee in bed, watching another Ransom after I fed Harley. Then, it was time to get back to our routine. We stripped off the sheets from our bed and Shaina’s room, where K and R slept. I spent some time marketing and submitted my time sheets for the last month of the year, just in time. Then, I worked on catching up on my blog, as I’ve been so far behind due to vacation and the plague. Renn is feeling much better today, which is great news!

S collected garbage, sorted recyclables, and took a nap in the big brown recliner. Around 2 p.m., the sun peeked through, and we had a BT sandwich. I continued doing laundry and started setting up my new phone. However, this turned into a disaster because my new phone has half the storage capacity of my old one, causing issues. I backed up my photos and the phone, but unfortunately, I couldn’t resolve the problem.

Matt & Shaina's lunch date with little miss

B was off work early today and was out at around 3:30 to feed and then head home. Harley's food was ordered but will not be delivered until Thursday.

The snow continued to fall as we ventured out for a hot tub. The temperature was a bone-chilling -12 degrees. We enjoyed leftovers for supper while watching the junior Canada and USA teams compete. I persisted in troubleshooting my phone issues with Apple, which led to another lengthy call that ultimately failed to resolve the problem. We settled into bed and watched TV, witnessing Canada’s loss and some of the Flames’ victories, as well as another ransom before turning off the lights for the year 2024.

Monday, December 30, 2024

K & R head back to city

Finally, I woke up feeling a bit better, thanks to the Lord. S was also feeling better, and the other two were awake for the day again after 9. S prepared breakfast with scrambled eggs, toast, and leftover bacon. I jumped into the shower to feel even more refreshed. Renn and I lay in bed, watching videos while Kaylin got some rest. 

Mr Jenkins always draws the little ladies to him :)

S headed outside to roll out a bale of hay and push dirt while the person continued to deliver the last few loads. I sent Harley out with a deer vertebrae because she wasn’t getting enough walks or time out of her kennel. After returning from outside, S and I started a series called Ransom while K and R went down for a nap. They woke up at 3 with Renn ready to play. After that, they packed up and headed home to the city after 4 p.m. We sure enjoyed having these 2 visitors even if we are all somewhat sick. Nathan had a friend over yesterday and they took down the tree and tidied the house but he is still not feeling well. Poor guy.

Shaina and Matt fly into Calgary tonight but will stay at Shannon's tonight. They are here for a week. S had leftovers then we crawled into bed to watch more Ransom episodes. There has been allot of Netflix this last week, thank goodness for the new smart TV.

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Kaylin and Renn take refuge here

Saturday I woke up without a headache or sore eyes - bonus. Kaylin called me to ask how I was feeling and if I was feeling better enough to let her and Renn come over and stay for a while. She’s been a mess, and Nathan needs some time to heal. Of course, I said come on out. S started his day with a bowl of oatmeal and a cup of coffee. I had a coffee too, as we tidied up the house. He vacuumed up all the stuffing from the destroyed stuffed animals. We moved the kitchen out of the way so that little Miss could see it, and she did once they arrived after 12. I put soup bones on the stove.

It was the most exciting gift! S and K worked to install the 12 batteries for water, microwave and burner sounds. Brittany was out to feed and visit for a while. She also took the bundled Renn out to see the horses. Once she returned, I took Renn down to Kaylin’s bed, and they both had a nap. Before 2, B headed home. S was in the bedroom, stretched out, watching the junior games and feeling achy again. I lay down too. When Renn woke up from her nap, she was eager to cook.

Chef Renn haČ™ a TV in her kitchen too, Harley supervises

Harley really wants to play with Renn

I made the beef noodle soup which was enjoyed  by most but I only had a small amount. There was more hockey on the TV for S with the girls and I heading to bed at 9. S watched hockey and ate more sandwiches not going to bed till almost 11.

The house remained quiet until after 9 p.m. on Sunday. Har requested breakfast, as did the cats. S woke up later than usual and had to rush to get to church on time. The girls had yogurt and berries, while I made K a cup of coffee. They then took a shower to clean up. Afterward, it was playtime. I sent K to get a nap in  while Renn and I watched TV.

S returned home from church, dropped off the missed parcels to go to Oyen with Craig and grabbed some groceries. However, he realized that he wasn’t feeling as well as he had thought he was during church. Meanwhile, Britt was out, and S was busy putting bacon in the oven for lunch. After having a BT sandwich, he decided to take a nap. I, on the other hand, had eaten half a sandwich and felt a sense of relief after finally eating. B took Renn out for a walk with the dogs, which made her day. Afterward, it was time for Renn’s nap, and I followed suit. B, meanwhile, relaxed on the couch until Renn woke up an hour later. They spent the rest of the afternoon playing kitchen until B headed home before 4 p.m.

opening the kennel to pet her friend Harley

The 4 of us relaxed in bed watching an hour Christmas show before we made supper. S cooked his KD special and I cooked up ground beef to mix with it for the adult plates. Again it was good to eat. S washed up the pots and hit the sheets to watch hockey while K and I were entertained by Renn. It was another night with us watching some Netflix once in bed. Renn had different plans waking from 10-1 crying to go upstairs to see Nana. I did not hear her.

She fits in the fridge the little pixie!!

Friday, December 27, 2024

Naps and Netflix

Christmas Day began with a soothing hot tub soak, followed by a quiet morning spent in bed. S then spent some time on his devices after taking care of the pets.

Kaylin did FaceTime Shaina and us which was lovely

Britt and Dave came out around 1:30 to cook us a roast beef meal. While the roast cooked, Dave and Sheldon played crib. Britt napped on the couch, and I was in bed. The delicious meal was ready after 6, but my appetite has vanished. I managed to eat a small portion of carrots and salad.

Harley got a new stuffy but it only took an hour or two and she had a leg unstuffed

crib game and snacks enjoyed

Chef Dave hard at work

Sheldon plate loaded up and back in the city little miss rests

and in Ottawa

We played a card game, but I bowed out as it hurt my head. I watched the others play, though. We had coconut cream pie and tea before B and D headed home before 10 p.m. Afterward, we went for another hot tub and then crawled into bed.

Thanks Dave for your fantastic cooking!

Boxing Day found S waking up feeling unwell. He slept until 9:30 AM, and then we headed out for a hot tub. Afterward, he went back to bed and slept again. He did wake up in the middle of the afternoon when Britt was out to feed thorses. She took the leftovers home for them to enjoy. Sharon dropped off some cold and flu medicine. We watched a movie with a rice cake, which was the only food we ate today. Afterward, it was back to sleep for S. In the city, Kaylin was finally taken down as well. They are all sick. We are all sick. ;(

Friday morning, S woke up feeling better. He has quite an immune system. He had a big bowl of cereal. I’m still not hungry, but now I have a full blown rash. However, it seems the medication is worth the rash. We watched movies and slept throughout the day. Renn is finally feeling better, but the mom is not at all. Nathan ran Daddy Daycare. S had lunch and supper too. I managed to have a piece of toast and some soup. While S watched the junior’s game that Shaina and Matt were at in Ottawa, I soaked in the ensuite tub. More night meds were taken for us and we were off to sleep.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Christmas Eve in bed day

I woke up with a headache I could not shake. Once I woke up, I jumped into the bathtub to soak. new cell phone was delivered as I was brought a coffee. I took a COVID test which was negative but they are old tests. We laid in bed and watched some Lincoln Lawyer before Sheldon headed to town at 10:30 for early hockey. We decided to cancel cooking Christmas dinner as I have no energy and do not want to get anyone else sick by touching the food. 

I continued lying in bed watching No Good Deed all day. I never lie in bed, this cold and various other illnesses have absolutely drained me. I eventually had some salty Miss Vickie's for sustenance. Emily stopped by to pick up Shaina's boarding gear at noon.

Britt out feeding the horses, having only half a day of work today. S returned 1:30 with some groceries and joined in bed to watch TV. He then got ready for church at 5. I had considered going too if I could take a nap but no such luck, so S went to join Paetzs and Mom. He joined at their house, where Travis was also present. Nothing I on hand was alleviating my headache I decided to run in and try the Advil AJ had. I did not play games but enjoyed watching the events for a bit. Britt and Dave joined as well. I headed back home to rest and watch more Netflix. S was home before 11.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Renn care day 2 then ranch bound

I woke up oddly at 3 am, and it wasn’t long before Miss Renn woke up, calling for her Mama. K brought her in, and she spent the rest of the night snuggled up. She woke up a few times to say “booger” and ask for “mucky.” I sneaked out after 8 am because they were both back asleep. Nathan was getting his day started. We visited over coffee until the girls joined us. Poor little Miss Renn had swollen and itchy eyes again, and she was still feverish. She had taken her medicine at 7:30 am.

Kaylin got ready for work and was off for her last workday for a few days. Nathan was resting and relaxing upstairs, leaving Renn and me to snuggle. I did give her a small amount of yogurt, and she did have some blueberries, but not much.

Nate popped down before lunchtime. He assisted in preparing her outdoor gear so that she and I could go for a walk, as per her request. We visited McDonald’s, where I ordered lunch and Nathan a smoothie. Upon returning to her condo, she and I sat for a while while I ate, after which it was time for her nap. This required a bit more coaxing and cuddling, but eventually, she fell asleep before 1 p.m. I then hit the couch  to catch up on my blog while simultaneously watching Queer Eye.

She did not stay asleep long, only half an hour but after I got her from her crib she laid on my chest and slept till just before 4. Kaylin was home from work about the same time she woke. This poor little muffin is totally under the weather.

Britt kindly picked me up on her way home from work after a quick stop at the mall. She dropped me at the ranch around 8:30 and quickly fed her horses and headed home. S was relaxing with hockey on TV having had a late shinny game at 3 today. I was happy to hit our bed and call it a day.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Renn care day

We were up early today as we are heading in to the city to watch Renn, who is very unwell. I jumped into the shower while S made coffee. Har was fed and a blog post was published. S ate some toast, filled a go-mug, and we off just after 9. We arrived just after 10, Renn was much worse than I had ever seen her. The poor little girl swollen eyes and an endless stream of “boogers” she was happy to have wiped. Kaylin had already left for work. Nathan looked good but tired. He bundled up Renn, and S and I took her and Beans for a walk. Beans' walk was short, and we continued on to see the ice rink area. It was mild around 5 degrees Celsius. We sent Nate upstairs rest and relax.

Renn was feeling out of sorts and preferred walking around the house snuggling, but did have some moments of sitting. She ate some Alphagetti’s and applesauce before agreeing to take a nap around 12:30 and was sound asleep shortly thereafter. S and I then watched some Lincoln Lawyer until she an hour later.

She woke feeling unwell and wanted her mother for hydration, but I managed to keep her distracted with shows. Nathan came down around 2:30 to visit and snuggle Renn. She was very happy to see her mother home before 3:30 and to nurse and fall asleep for two hours. Sheldon headed home at 3:30 getting groceries on the way. Nathan went back upstairs We quietly watched Elf while Renn napped.

Shanice brought a delicious lasagna for supper, promptly cleaned the pots in the sink, tidied the kitchen and folded the laundry. What a thoughtful friend they have. She visited with everyone before heading home. Renn wanted to go for a walk, so she and I went around the block. Upon our return, Kaylin joined us, and walked to shoppers Back at the townhouse, it was time for Renn’s bath as I changed their bedding and put it in the laundry. Nathan has set up in basement room in hopes of rest.


Going to sleep was a struggle for Renn. I was called in to attempt a settle and a couple of times I thought I had it mastered, but after half an hour, I heard her calling Nana soon after I left. Kaylin had gotten ready for bed at least in that time, so she went in to soothe her with what has become her sickness comfort routine. Poor thing. Kaylin prepared gifts for her workers, then joined me in bed to peruse our devices. I am looking for a new mattress, and hers is one on the list. We shut out the lights at 11.