Sunday, March 24, 2024

Passed level 10,000

 Sunday had a fresh skiff of snow but it has let up. We had our coffee in bed with games/news as usual. Then it was on to breakfast and the day. I loaded up all the cardboard boxes I had for Archer's class. S was off to church taking them to give to AJ. I created an Etsy post for the Victorian damask wall art with some new photos and video. And tried to drum up interest in my Pinterest account. 

S brought tea home after church. Still no wins for him on the roll ups. I won a coffee, bonus points and Sirius subscription so far. We headed out for a hot tub. -4 felt cold getting in but was a nice soak. Shower then a tuna sandwich. 

Britt and Cooper arrived after 1 as S was leaving to head back to town to watch a midgets provincial hockey game. She fed then I caught Switch and she trimmed her. THANK YOU! While she did that I groomed her and got dreadlocks out of her mane. Harley also got a shedding blade treatment. After letting Switch go I took the dogs for a walk. The sun finally came out after all these snow days.

these two love to play tug with the ball

B had a reward brownie and rest inside and once we were back from our walk she and Cooper headed home before 3. I worked on blogs and tutorials then took some time to relax and play brain games. S was back after 4 enjoying his hockey venture although he sure wanted company to go with him. Of course there was hockey on TV to watch too.

I prepped a cookie sheet of veggies and roasted while S made meatballs up for me to cook. I made them in mushroom gravy. Delicious!! S hit big brown to view hockey and peruse his laptop for news and chicken coop stuff after washing pots. I vacuumed and washed the floor. Poor Harley has had excessive drooling this afternoon and evening, not sure what is up. We moved to bed where I worked on my cookie jam game hitting level 10,000!! just after 10 pm It has taken many years but I did it. S was asleep after the Flames loss. I then watched YouTube videos on aging and castor oil.

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