Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Todos Santos Beach day

The adventure today was renting a car and heading north again. Originally we planned to go to Balandra beach north of La Paz but the 2 1/2 drive one way had us worried most of the day would be spent in the car. After breakfast the fellows walked to get the car. I packed up ice and drinks to go. Toby made pico to have later when back.

Meanwhile back in Calgary Renn was taking out every toy from her basket for the 10th time this am  LOL

now if only I had that shade of purple for the other eye :)

breakfast beverage

We were off by 10:30 with Sheldon as the driver. Needing a bathroom break we stopped at a lovely roadside bar called Paleta's Bar & Grill. A chicken quesadilla and cold beer were enjoyed then we were back on the road. 

Maps led us to a beautiful beach called Playa La Cachora. It was stunning with not a soul on it. Eventually a few others came and went but for the most part it was ours. I made us margaritas in fancy plastic pinwheel glasses. Whales frolicked and the waves crashed. Spectacular bit of nature for sure.

take a video tour of this beach

this little 1 legged bird stayed near us most of the afternoon

I am a fancy bar tender.. plastic pinwheel glasses and ice (which melted in a hurry out in this sun)

Doug not getting the selfie part of selfie pic

Sheldon gave it a go

these 2 love this song, watch the video of them snapping along

the waves are amazingly powerful

a helicopter out with whale watchers or is it chasers?

speaking of chasers.. S demonstrates how to sneak up on a seagull

We set off to tour the town looking thru a few markets, Hotel California quick then had late lunch at La Morena

this is the road in and out of the beach

a riding stables along the way

love the welded art, perhaps S will be inspired

The finish on the tables was fabulous

Insert a group photo here that the waiter seemed to actually miss pressing the button, and 4 times he faked a picture of us. Just like old days on film when you got developed and found it wasn't taken LOL

Then it was off south to Cabo. S and I ran into a grocery store and grabbed more beer, chips and margarita mix.

a busker at the stop light juggling knives!! Doug gave him some $$

Back at the condo to enjoy another great evening of visiting and beverages with guacamole, pico, hot dogs and chips. We even saw a sunset. This was voted by all the best beach and day we have had here in Cabo.

This is our margarita fixings for the week :)

S thought this would be a funny photo

and to end the day a video of our sweetie XOXO

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