Saturday, March 30, 2024

Easter vigil

After a sleep in till 9:30 the day was underway. It was a beauty day!! Sunny and -8 with the temperature rising. I stripped the sheets and threw in laundry. I tried out some of the stain removers I bought from Amanda after marking each of them for what is best. I also mixed up a new dawn/vinegar bottle too.

super glass clothes cleaner

Brittany donated a big bag of Cooper's toys to Harley. She is very excited to get one out of the bag. Thanks B and C!

S's bruised shoulder from hockey crash is fading but still green.

At noon S started his chicken nesting box assembly. I helped him with chicken boxes helping to lift the big pieces with his shoulder issues and sorting the hardware into piles. In between these parts I fed granola to horses/dogs along with apples still in abundance thanks to Shaina's donation. I took photos of staging items for sale

B out to feed she took Coco's harness back to town to fit up Gulliver to take outside on a leash. Sure hope there is video of this adventure.

Meanwhile in the city the Boysis bakeshop was underway!

Then Shaina took Renn out for a spring stroll :)

The 2 mandevilla plants in the garage were soaked. Both are starting to come back ready for spring. All my orchids were soaked as well.  S finished up 3 of the boxes at 3.

S loaded the 5 huge boxes of cardboard into the truck and covered with a net. We headed to town around 3:30 dropping the cardboard at recycling. A change table/dresser was picked up next. I am planning to redo this in bold floral but will see once I get it started. It seems the confession time S thought was scheduled was incorrect after trying all the school doors. We grabbed an iced coffee, dropped the thrift store items off and headed home.

The dresser unloaded into the garage. I ran the vacuum and mop around while S and H went out for some peanuts on the deck. He then grabbed the gun and headed out as there have been gophers spotted for last few days every time we drive in and out. I did yesterday's blog and worked on today's. 

After his hour hunt and sniping 20 gophers, I saw he was heading home. Time to get the last Goodfood meal prepped. It is pork stir fry with cauliflower rice which we quite enjoyed. The portions are less then I usually make so topped it off with a frozen fruit yogurt bowl. However this part of the meal was pushing time to get to church so I took mine along and finished on the drive in.

Sheldon was confident that church would be shorter than yesterdays hour and a half however when I mentioned this to Amanda she says I think he might be fibbing. Sure enough the Easter vigil started at 8 and we were home by 11 pm!! Definitely longer than yesterday LOL. I don't think I knew church could go for almost 3 hours :) S caught up on the sports highlights of all the games he missed while I perused more Youtube videos. After he was asleep, I listened to podcasts till drifting off to sleep after 1.

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