Thursday, March 28, 2024

CT scan

Another weather change, and for the worse. It was only -3 but overcast, windy and dreary. Harley went out twice in the night; at 2 and 6 am. Once up it was feeding and coffee to get motivated. I worked on accounting while S showered and made some calls.

We jumped in the car and headed to the city after 11:30. We stopped in Langdon and grabbed lunch and a tea. We arrived to Kaylin’s at the same time as Shaina did. Little miss Renn entertained us. The poor girly has sore teeth and did share her frustration now and then. The friend (used to work with S) picked up the jewelry box, he and S visited for a short bit then he was off.

she can almost read now too :) camellia flower is the new teeth pain meds

trying to get a picture of her top 2 teeth cutting thru but just captured a bit of her sweet smile

We set off for the Sheldon Chumiur center at 2:30. Traffic was good and got us there early. S dropped me at the door and parked. I checked in for my 3:15 appointment but was done by 3:05. The CT scan took literally 2 minutes. Next up was Shaina’s.  We had a beer and visit prepping the condo sale conversation. We toured 3 other units and chatted with the real estate agent about the current market. The other 2 floor plan are allot smaller but of course cheaper. They also have lower HAO fees but no parking spot or locker. Big decisions ahead for little S.

It was then off home as Shaina had a work call. We arrived at the ranch at 6:30. I fed Harley and S was off to church after a quick FaceTime with Shaina to go over the tour. I finally announced the winner for my giveaway. There were not many entered but I am thankful for the support of those who did.

I had a bowl of cereal for my supper then hit the tub to soak while watching YouTube videos after listening to a podcast. It felt lovely as the weather is so wintery. Then I moved to bed to continue my watching. S was not back till just after 9. He made himself a pizza for supper and caught up on sports and started a new investing book he borrowed from Nathan before bedtime. Harley wanted out at midnight which worked good for Stella who wanted in too.

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