Thursday, February 1, 2024

Nesting tables underway

Day 2 of no early 5 am out for Har!! This is big ;) No Cooper this am as Dave is in the midst of moving back south. But of course it is not easy as they have a couple days of racing this w/e due to cancelled days when so cold. This means he has horses left up there, some dropped off at turn out, some of his stuff put in storage for a month till B gets her house back and some being stored in our storage trailer. 28 days to go till B is back home.

Princess is sending morning wishes XOXO

We had a coffee in bed then on with the day. I did some hemp oil on the sideboard. There was a person showing interest so that is at least promising. I finally got more photos of the custom painted cabinet the other day so could get the tutorial published. Then it had to be shared on sites and sent to the paint company as February submission. My new tier level only requires one tutorial a month now.

Sharon was out after 9 to pick up Timba and take for his trim. Dave arrived with iced coffees about an hour later. He and Sheldon caught up on all the sports happenings of late. They unloaded a bed in the storage trailer then Dave headed back north at 11:30. Sharon rolled in then to release Timba back in the herd. S was off to hockey at the same time too.

For the next 2 hours I sanded the table tops. The one with all the scratches had wood fillers added but still needs more sanding. Time for a break with a glass of water. 

 While sanding I text Kristie to see if she was still looking for nesting tables. Yes she was and really liked this set. She was hoping for a green charcoal pink tan cream combo. So I sent her some paint options. You will see her choices further down.

the lake is dropping

I was back out sanding when S arrived home after 2. We had a late lunch of bison burger leftovers. He hit the couch for a nap and I played a few games. At 3 we took the dogs for their walk. It was PLUS 12 out!! There is virtually no snow left and the puddles are much smaller. The ground is softer too.

Sheldon took this video of water at the shop

Someone's gonna slip video

Sheldon took this video of the horses splashing in the "lake".

Back at the house we sat outside for a bit. The horses were jacked up and racing around. I got back to sanding. More wood filling and pen staining. The bases were taken off too. S helped me with a couple as well as taping the tiny nails in. He took the ranger to check the mouse trap and found one at gate. And 2 in the shop. Gross.

These products were delivered by courier along with disposable paint strainers.

S picked up this table after hockey.

All the pieces were wiped up and ready to refinish. Time to get supper going. S helped me prep veggies for the instant pot potato bacon soup. It was easy and delicious. I headed back to the garage to work on the tables. B was here late for supper. Ate. Fed Bird. Bathed Cooper. And off by 8:30. I finished painting 2/3 of the bases one coat of paint. Then I tracked down J to give his pill. I let both in the garage for the night even though it is fairly nice.

S went out for a hot tub while I caught up my paint details on my spreadsheet. We then watched a couple Car Masters episodes in bed with a tasty yogurt bowl. I tried reading but did not last long.

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