Saturday, February 10, 2024

Dresser picked up

The day started sunny but became overcast late morning. It did get cold overnight hitting -13 with colder wind chill. I delivered the prince his coffee in bed. 

The dresser gal text they were on their way from Saskatoon. After my morning marketing tasks I got busy tidying the main area and spot vacuuming. S pulled out the big vacuum and ran around too. We hauled up the dresser at the door for easy pick up. Here is a dresser video before pick up. Please watch to give my FB page a boost.

S did a ten second tidy on the garage stairs while he washed his hockey equipment. He also gave H a bath. I changed her kennel bedding. I tried putting some black wax on the sideboard where the oil seemed to have absorbed unevenly. Not the solution so it was wiped off and the base re oiled.

B and Coop arrived at noon. S watched his Flames win then napped after eating lunch. She fed Bird after a rest on the couch perusing the net. She ran to town to wash her car and the tires that keep getting ice clogged imbalance issues. The gal and her Dad arrived at 2 pm after a 6 hour drive, loaded the dresser and were off. They asked for restaurant recommend in town before they set off 6 hours back.

I worked the coffee table base more trying to level the legs. I glued one, got the other one finally off but it does not look like any real solution to help level. I decided to bondo the toes seeing this may be a scrapped project. 

While the bondo dried, S and took the dogs for a long walk. B was back letting horses out on her way to the house. I fed H while S hauled out the pressure washer to clean his truck. Dave arrived from his day at the track. It is now 0 out. He said -16 when he left this am. 

S made chicken wings, Dave a boxed battered pickled cauliflower, I air fried skinny fries and made a kale salad for a delectable supper. Hockey of course was watched. We played a few games of smear before they were off after 10. We tried starting a new Netflix series called Rust Valley Renovators but it was boring compared to Car Masters. And it is Canadian too so were hoping we liked it.

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