Saturday, February 24, 2024

Last Saturday in February


B arrived after 9 as we were having coffee in bed. She fed the dogs and put boots on her horses seeing it is so icy out. She scooped leftover HF meal and headed back to Grady’s to hang out with Amber’s dog. They left today for a week vacation leaving B  to care for all the animals- 30 sheep, 2 pigs, 2 dogs and chickens. I did a bit of marketing then out to work on the custom projects. The table top was painting again. The second chair was painted purple. The blessed black sideboard had another coat of black paint!!

Leftover lunch and I was back out there. I was going to put the table together but seen more repairs and paint touch ups The top had move purple added too. S trouble shot an alert issue on his truck and sorted a filing cabinet drawer. The chairs were dark waxed. While the wax set up a bit I came in and caught up the blog with a cold beer.

Back to the garage to clear coat the table top. More touchups on the chairs and all was left to dry. Time to take the dogs for a walk. It is - as the high. There was about 10 flakes of snow this am and nothing since just overcast and cool. The dogs love the walk though. B as coming in the yard at 5 as we were walking. S picked up his hot tub parcel at the gate as we passed by. She fed bird before coming in to await supper. Tonight was air fryer foods I want to clean out of the freezer. Appetizer was dry ribs then battered fish and fries. I made S a HUGE salad too.

When she was finished eating B and Cooper left after 7. Sheldon washed up the pots while I continued the blog update. Of course hockey has been on all afternoon to keep him entertained. He did take a break to join me for a hot tub. It was still a bit light out after 6:30. I gave the table top another clear coat with S back watching hockey. Battle of Alberta was on at 8 which was quite a game. I peruse more information on castor oil packs finally ordering a kit as the Flames won. Happy birthday Riley!

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