Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Spirits visit the ranch

It was completely fogged in when I let H out at 2:30 am and softly snowing and a bit foggy when I awoke early after 7. The fog made some pretty impressive hoar frost. Time for Instagram and crosswords then a coffee and a couple more while S started a new book; Richest Man in Babylon. Today is Britt's last day at Moore's! A quick shower then I then finished setting up the downstairs computer while S watched sports and chatted with a fellow for a bit. I was catching up marketing when a message came in for an Etsy sale!! It was the carved trinket box. I got it packaged up with a small box S pulled from the recycling then created the shipping label. Great timing seeing we are on our way to town in the hour.

We headed to town after 11 with first stop to drop off hydraulic ram for new hoses. A quick stop to grab a small decor piece then S at the hockey arena after 11:30 for his noon skate. I then took my Etsy parcel to the post office and a quick loop thru Walmart to grab a couple things. There were some super pretty orchids and fiddle leaf fig plants. I was so tempted but the weather is not conducive to leave in car.

Light snowfall continued off and on all day. I was off to Dad's only to find him in a deep sleep from when Amanda tucked him in after breakfast. I sat in his room and perused Instagram, chatted with a staffer and visitor and made a call to the Festool guy with questions. 

Before picking up Sheldon I went thru the drive thru to get us a beverage and loaded bowl. I got the chicken and S the new steak one. I was able to eat some of mine while waiting at the door for him then tasted his once in. I am not a chipotle steak fan so made a good choice. On our route home he dropped some of Scott's stuff sent to him in error from camp, I grabbed my paint parcel then S grabbed the hydraulic ram that was finished.

We were back to the ranch after 2. I took H out with me to feed Bird, put hers and Timba's blankets on then take H for a walk. I had her run up on the snowbank at the winter pasture gate to take a picture and at that exact time the gate opened. There was nothing there... spooky. I called S to see if he pressed any buttons perhaps at the house but no answer although I heard a faint hello!! Harley booked it for the house ahead of me, some guard dog leaving me alone with the spirits. :)

hoar frost .. just need sunshine to make it sparkle

H reacting to the gate opening as she climbed the snow pile

Back at the garage S was working on his hydraulics then took it to put on the skid steer. I opened my paint parcel expecting a new gold leaf product but not this order so I gave the hardware a coat of gold rub and buff starting with one tone then moving to another. Dad had some issues at his place after waking and it seems they did not feed him his lunch as planned. Luckily it was 20 minutes to 4 so I called Peggy who went over early to help him out, she is an amazing gal to have on our team. 

It started to snow again when I came in from the garage. S pushed some snow testing his blade before coming in as I was working on computer stuff. We had a cold beer and leftovers for supper. Time for a hot tub which turned out to be a bit brisk with the wind picking up and falling snow. It was still a bit light out at 6:40 but soon dark. My head had a pile of snow accumulated on it when I came in to shower off. This is after being inside for 5 minutes trying to find my phone.

S hit the TV room for his Flames game after his shower. I caught up yesterday and todays blog then crawled into bed at 8 to read. I changed my mind and watched Outlander instead. I heard a couple cheers from the TV room so went down and watched the last half of the 3rd period and the OT. Sadly they lost but it was a good game. Dave was lucky enough to be there to see his Bruins win. I then came back up and finished season 6 of Outlander then read a wee bit before lights out.

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