Sunday, February 26, 2023

Another table underway

It is promising out weather wise when I let H out at 7:15 and it is only -8. We had coffee early with crosswords for me and internet news peruse for S. I then got to work on some tutorials and marketing while S chatted with a friend on the phone. I had kicked the cats outside after feeding them so he walked out to open their barn door and scoop some poop while on the phone.

The accent table was staged for a few pics then tucked under a table to dry.

The table top was covered in stripper and while it soaked I went out and took off Timba’s and Bird’s blankets off and drug them back. The table top was scraped then I had S come help me carry it to the wash area where I scrubbed and cleaned it on all sides. So much craft paint and gunk on the underside too. I also scrubbed up the dresser hardware too.

We had a variety of leftovers for lunch. All very tasty choices. I got back to working on my kids table tutorial nearly completing. I also was helping Mom try and see the relatives on the 23 & Me family tree. S relaxed in the sunshine in big brown.

B and coop arrived as I was chatting to Mom around 1:30. She went and fed Bird at the winter pasture gate. I headed out to paint the dresser top and top drawer I forgot along with the drawer edges. I then moved on to scraping the table top S lifted back onto he work table before he went out to work on his fuel tank. It is a beauty plus 1 out with loads of sun.

B was then off to town and S came in to nap and peruse his phone in big brown. I came in once done to do a crossword and drink a Fresca. B was back with a plant pot for her fiddle leaf I rejuvenated for her. We wrapped it up seeing the temps are dropping below freezing again and it headed home with her and Coop at 4. S left for the Jr hockey team game in town before 4:30 as I was sorting details on our travel credit. I then moved onto plant care; watering, pruning and transplanting my money tree into the pot B's fiddle was in.

I then concentrated on finishing the kids table set tutorial and did all the sharing too. It is now -10 at 6 pm and the sun is starting to set. Very glad the days are getting longer. The wind however started to pick up. S was home at 6:45, put the cats away as I started supper. It was his fav sausage and KD with veggies. After eating he grabbed his Trump book and read on the couch while I read in bed. Kinda nice to have a quiet Sunday night of reading.

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