Saturday, February 25, 2023

Cold snap eases a bit

It was -18 when we awoke which would usually be cold but today I am thinking the horses feel like they are in heaven. I changed it up and did a crossword to start the day with my coffee. H was fed late as it was consuming. S perused his news with his coffee.

I painted the dresser a coat of warm white. S took a break from his internet news to take H for a walk. Before coming in for lunch I added a 3rd coat of stain oil on the accent table that was lightly sanded.

Lunch we created tasty salads and a open faced bacon tomato sandwich. I got to work on the computer doing photos and updating my furniture spreadsheet when I saw an email my DNA results were complete. It was -10 when S headed to town at 1:30 to visit a friend while I was excitedly going thru my 23 & Me results. Mom called to help fill out details and dates while we talked for an hour.

My top health issues, are you surprised? I was not

and my second was not a surprise either

I headed out to give the horses the beet pulp and it is now -6. After Timba was done I called him as I put out satellite piles of hay around the big roll out and took him over to the pit where another bale is rolled out. Of course the horses came over and decided to eat my piles!! I took off all but Bird's blanket and drug them all the way back. I have my workout for the day.

Inside I was back to my paint project. I sanded the dresser then started painting the smaller areas with a small brush. I was finishing that up when S was back after 4:30. I used a bigger brush to finish the wide flat surfaces and left it to dry. S brought us a tea so came in to drink it and work on todays blog.

For supper I airfried fish and chips while working on more crosswords with S help as he watched hockey. It turned out good, the fries were crispy with my extra time on the puzzle. After supper we braved the now -13 to have a hot tub. It has been quite some time since we have had one but after the initial cold getting there it was enjoyable.

After a shower and shave S was off to TV room to watch his Flames and I to market & blog. I did join him for a short bit then was off to bed to watch some Outlander. He was up after his sports read for a short bit then off to sleep, goodnight Irene!

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