Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Dam cold

I got coffee on just after 8 waking Mom. It was a usual start to the -25 day with she and S making porridge and visiting. I jumped in the shower just before she was off to Dad's before 10. Mom was back not long after bringing 3 boxes of Sheldon's stuff that was couriered from work, THANKS Mom. S and I had our 10 am zoom meeting with Britt popping out after 10:30. She was here to meet her carpet cleaner for 10 who was a no show and a no return call answer kinda guy, BOO :(

Switch hanging out with Timba who got himself in the middle paddock overnight

After we all called around for other options she went with renting a rug doctor at Rona and set off to get it done leaving Coop. S started going thru his boxes and I went out to start work on the little chair that goes with the kids table. It was peeled, sanded, cleaned and given a coat of primer.  At noon I ran out to toss hay in the waterer area and walk Timba out of the middle paddock he got himself into and not out of. Lunch was leftovers for S (lasagna/soup) and I (soup). Snow started to fall softly again.

S finished his unpacking then hit the couch for his after dinner nap while I caught up the blog. Time to go put another coat of primer on the chair. I popped back in to message Kristie who might be interested in the kids table for Oyen library and S was reading. I asked if he might finish putting all this clothes and treasures away in case Stouts popped in after seeing Timba later. He also ran the vacuum around then back to reading. I hauled the kids table back out and put another clear coat on the top after a light sanding.

The snow let up again. A fellow stopped to buy a poker set before 3:30. I worked on tutorials and S continued reading his super thick book. B was out before 5, she went and fed all the horses beet pulp while I cooked up taco meat after making my homemade spices. S chopped veggies after he pet H while B trimmed her toenails. We enjoyed out tacos then B and Cooper were off for the mountains at 6:30.

Mom arrived not long after and had a bowl of soup and hot tea to warm up. She and I worked on my trauma book homework while S watched hockey of course. She and I each headed to bed after 9. I read and worked on more of my book.

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