Thursday, February 23, 2023

Polar vortex continues even colder

The days are getting longer and I am waking earlier. It is blasted cold at -28 but the sun is out. Same start to the day here with Mom heading into Dad's at about 9:45. Time for some marketing and news peruse before S took off for town at 11. He has a full day ahead with a dental cleaning and exam, lab work, hockey and a WID meeting in hopes of getting irrigation.

I painted the little chair a coat of blue to match the table and added yet another clear coat on the table as not a fan of the streaks so applied circular like water. Beet pulp was made when I scrubbed up the brush. Seeing the car was gone I swept the dirty floor up.

I brought in the side table to decide on a stain color. It seems there is nothing in my current paint company options so need to decide on something else.

I had a telephone appointment with our naturopath Dr Tim at 12:30. I made a spinach fruit salad for lunch and chatted with Candace about visiting and play plays. I ate the salad after our chat then back out to put a wax coat on the table but it did not change the swirls. It is now after 2 so H and I went out to feed the horses beet pulp. It looks nice out with the sun but man it was biting into the skin in minutes at -25 no wind. H limped back to the house holding up alternate legs.

Inside a second coat of blue went on the chair and when dry hauled it in to stage. Then it was time to get photos edited, watermarked and the blog caught up. Sharon and Darren popped out after 4 to put a new blanket on Timba. Sheldon arrived home at 4:45 as they were finishing up. They came to the house and Sharon visited inside while S and D went to load some pallets he needed to borrow.

I prepped veggies to roast then put a cross rib roast in the instant pot with a new recipe. While it naturally depressurized the veggies went in then all were ready at the same time. This roast recipe was too rare for my liking so we cut of the outside and cooked it longer. S had hockey on of course so I worked on tutorials then headed to bed to read after 8. 

B was out at 9:30 to drop Cooper, grab tools and head to her condo to hang blinds. She ended up short blinds and could not find any at Walmart so did what she could. She is also trying to trap a mouse so took more PB along. I popped down to watch the end of the Flames game with S which went into OT with a loss. He came up to do our evening meditation we are trying to implement at 10:30 then both tried to sleep with Cooper at our feet. B made it back after 11:30 to hit the sheets for the night.

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