Monday, February 6, 2023

Oyster soup :)

Today started sunny and 0 and only continued to warm up. H was excited to eat after her 24 hour fast. We had our coffees with S trying to find out more on his cell number and I a bit of marketing. S let cats out, gave H another bison leg then pressure washed the trailer and truck before we swept then reloaded my marketing stuff in. He backed it in its storage spot and unhooked.

the little set I picked up yesterday

Mom delivered fresh oysters last week so today I made oyster soup for lunch and it was delicious, THANK YOU Mom!! I sorted plants for Britt who now has lots more light and space for plants. I also misted and watered mine that were dry. S took Bird’s feed tub out I had fixed and called her into the house paddock. He left her in there as I changed and we headed to town before 2:30. He tried to get into our new 3rd party lab while I waited in the car but no luck. He was dropped at his date with Gary at BP’s bar and I was off to drop the homeless outreach treasures off then go visit Dad.

Dad happened to be having a day; a bare naked day but I helped him get dressed with help of the staff who were very happy I arrived. Once dressed we went for a walk to his room to find his boots and hat where I managed to get him to drink a chocolate ensure. I ran to find a spoon for his pudding but once I got back he changed his mind but finished the bottle. I opened a fresh pack of Cheetos which he reminded me “he really likes” so he had them and another ensure, this one strawberry.

He was not very chatty now but I filled him in on our weekend moving and ranch happenings. He was starting to get tired so I helped him to bed at 4:15 and got him covered and he was sound asleep. B wanted me to check her condo heat and put mats in but it seems S has her key in his pocket. I grabbed his new SIM card at the post office then went to pick him up after 4:30. We headed home to the ranch in PLUS 5 sunshine. S went and opened the paddock gate while I fed H and made a replacement dish.

It seems my new phone (new Dec 16) has been sending some texts via my Apple ID so it was back on with apple support to get it sorted out. We had a yummy rib, rice and peas supper while I did my online troubleshooting and S watching his Flames. After the OT loss we headed out to have a soak in the hot tub. After a quick rinse I started a new book Wish You Were Here and S caught sports highlights.

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