Saturday, February 4, 2023

Moving day 1

The sun was out and plus 1 as I got the coffee brewing and H fed. S had his porridge and a couple cups before we headed to town to load up B's storage items. Mom was already there visiting. We got all loaded in the trailer then I helped Mom register Dad's dna test. She had brought us Tim's special Olympic donuts for a snack, THANKS!!

We and she headed off at 11:30, she to Dad's and us to drop/pickup books at library and head home. S had to push snow from in front of the storage trailer before we could unload. I caught up and posted yesterdays blog. I put another coat on the dining table top while S made a grilled cheese and salad for his late lunch.

 I staged my stool to sell

B was out as I was sewing up cooper's winter coat he ripped going thru barbed wire. While I had it out I sewed both my housecoat pockets. B fed Bird in the now PLUS 6 sunshine. S added hot tub chemical and rinsed the filters. B and I started to unload the cargo trailer into the storage trailer with S helping for last part. We then unloaded my marketing stuff from the trailer to clear it right out seeing all the stuff needing to go tomorrow. B headed back to her place to clean before 3 leaving Cooper. S headed to TV room to watch hockey.

I continued with computer work going thru email to clean up and delete and be damned if I did not find an email for our WestJet credits that have to be used by June!! Totally forgot! S came up from TV room before 5, made us a beverage and we headed out to the hot tub. We bubbled for almost an hour then in to rinse and have a bowl of chili.

S decided to go to the Wheat Kings Game so had me texting a few friends. He headed to town to watch it at 7:30 when B arrived to pick up Cooper. I started working on the Duncan Phyfe dining table tutorial. This one is a super photo and video packed tutorial that took over 3 hours to write. Please have a look :) I was finishing up when S got home at 10:45. Turns out him and Craig won the 50/50. The pot was $240 so they each got $100 and gave Asher $40. Then it was off ot bed to read for me and sleep for the prince.

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