Friday, December 23, 2022

Still no warm up

Today started at -24 but with a wind and falling snow that increased. S even got to sleep in till 9:30 when I brought him a hot coffee to wake him. I did some marketing with my coffees, thru in laundry and finalized my list for town. The bison brisket was put in the slow cooker for supper. He ran out to plug in the skid steer to push snow later and tossed the ponies a couple small squares at the west end of the shop.

I had H loaded along with some parcel and book returns awaiting his return. He quickly pulled off snow clothes and jumped in drivers seat. It seems he was a little to quick on the reverse hitting the garage door and knocking it off its rail and creasing a panel. He was able to pipe wrench hammer it back in and get the car out of the garage and closed thankfully.

Not the way to start the day but definitely could have been worse. The roads were slow going but we made it just in time for H's 11 am vet appointment. It seems the diet I had her on is working as she is 59.7KG (132 lbs) Dr Dave liked the improvement but put her on another week of antibiotics and more steroids to be sure it totally heals.

Our next stop was Tim Hortons for a tea and muffin late breakfast. S dropped me at Walmart to get last minute groceries while he dropped parcels and books off and picked up Cooper. He was back to pick me up and before we headed home there was one last stop at No Frills to grab a couple more items but could not find water chestnuts S wanted for bacon wrapped ones for tomorrow night.

Back at the ranch I gave H her antibiotics and unloaded my groceries. S worked on the garage door stuffing towels in to fill the gap. S went out after his grilled cheese sandwich and a rest to plow the snow at 2. I continued the tidying and laundry including bathrooms scrubbed and vacuuming.

S came in not feeling well at 3:30 to nap on the couch. I sent out a Christmas email and of course had lots of non deliverable addresses to try and update. S carved the bison brisket when the Kaylin and Shaina text they were leaving town. We waited for bit with Britt & Dave arriving to join us. It turned out really good and will make again. Game night ensued with B&D heading home around 11:30. I read for awhile after we headed to bed after midnight.

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