Saturday, December 17, 2022

Game night

I was up when the winds picked up and a storm rolled in after midnight. I had some pretzels at 1 and it was still blowing but only -4 but when I let H out at 4:30 the temps were dropping. When up to give her pills before 9 it was -16. I had my coffee while getting the vanity tutorial I wrote a few days back published and shared. Mom had left to help Dad with breakfast before 9 but soon text she would be coming back as snow was picking up in town. It had calmed down here. She was back by 10. I was working on writing a Hometalk post for the vanity too.

S made Mom a fresh pot of coffee while she chatted about things. I worked on more computer projects, S went out to clear sidewalk and move cats to garage which required a bit of wrangling for miss Stella. Once in they were most happy.

Mom headed back in to help Dad with his lunch after 12. I made a tuna sandwich and S had the last of the bacon for a BST. He was trying to read his book in big brown but it seemed to keep turning into a nap. I worked on H’s tight neck muscle with the massager and she actually liked it but we only got the one side done.

B and Cooper were out around 1:30. I bundled up and took Harley out and as she fed I went and brought all the blankets out. We got everyone’s on then she and Coop headed for home.

Back inside I started a fire and watched more Harry & Meghan. S moved to the bedroom hooking up the TV to watch hockey there. Seems we have swapped usual spots for hockey and Netflix. There was a brief bit where the sun tried hard to come thru but it was short lived.

The snow started back up at 3. After I finished the last episode of Harry & Meghan I did a Hometalk post for the stairs then back to the fire. S came out to join the fire and watch game out here. I cooked up a lasagna for supper. It was ready to eat at 6:15 with Mom back just in time to join us. S made garlic toast to go along with it too.

Dale and Mya arrived not long after  we finished up having came from Oyen today and to the city shopping. They had supper at Red Lobster before coming out. We all were visiting and enjoying the fire and a beverage when Britt and cooper joined us as well. B bought new games to play, yay!! We all enjoyed many games trying her new Smart A**,  and the old tried and true Sticks, Sequence and Catch Phrase. It was a most enjoyable evening of fun. 

I brought J in for his traditional photo with Mya

I totally forgot to give H her 8:30 remembering at 1 as we were wrapping up the game night. B and Cooper headed home and the rest to bed with Mya showering before retiring. S perused his news and I played some brain games both having trouble falling asleep.

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