Monday, December 12, 2022

Spur of the moment adventures

It was quite a pet feeding morning getting 3 dogs and 2 cats all their food allocated. Once this was done it was definitely coffee time. 

I had S help me haul in the antique table then I set about staging photos. Of course there was a blunder once the top was folded back down; a scratch from the wood leg. I pulled off the old felt on the corners and applied new ones then put another clear coat hoping to fill in the scratch.

My shop assistant screwed the hinges back in place

full length; not bad for a little table to start

Britt and Dave text asking if we wanted to join them in checking out the new digs at noon. We quickly had a bite to eat; S leftover pizza and I a bowl of cereal before they arrived. Her acted up again on the way out so the chat was to stop too at the VW dealer. The 3 dogs were left to spend the afternoon napping. We arrived at the new place for the hour long tour. It was located in a beautiful spot that is going to be amazing especially come spring. The barn area is looking like lots of space as do the turn out pens. Dave's race horses will enjoy this change I think.

view to east

The house they will live in is an older trailer. I am guessing from early 80's with some similar layout to our first home. It does however have allot of wear and tear but the owner has put in new carpet and looking at new cabinets in the kitchen. It has lots of natural light for all B's plants. A coat of white paint will freshen up the walls and once their stuff goes in it will be homey.

the view to the west

Our next adventure led us to Brewster's for a beverage and wings. It was a nice mid day snack (lunch for the townies) finishing up at 3:30. THANKS Dave for the treat. Our next stop was at the VW store where B ended up ordering the car she wanted from the factory and will take 6-8 months to get. All the events of this day has her very emotional with highs and lows of all the changes and $$ but the number one plus is Cooper will be with them 24/7.

It was now after 5 and seeing we were closer to Dave's barn then home we swung that way in our travels to feed his horses. The barn helpers were cleaning stalls and the horses were awaiting their supper. S and I filled water buckets and I helped Dave toss hay while B checked on Pumpkin who seemed to be out of sorts. 

One of his owners made this neat Xmas wreath

Once all were fed and checked we were off heading east. We swung thru town where S hoped to pick up salt for the bison hides tomorrow but struck out at Peavy Mart. Dave looped us thru Tim's for a hot beverage then off to the ranch to let the dogs out after 7:30. I got to cooking tacos for supper, B to feeding her 2 horses, S was so happy to catch the last few minutes of his Flames game and then into OT. He and Dave played crib too as B perused her new car brochure once back inside from feeding. 

We ate, visited more while the fellows played a second game then they were off for home around 9:30. S packed up his gear and an overnight bag for bison kill tomorrow while I cleaned H's cheek then crawled into bed and watched more Harry & Meghan with Lexi snuggled up and Harley moved between her sleep spots. Whew what a busy unplanned adventurous day.

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