Sunday, December 4, 2022

Antique dresser picked up

I put H in the garage at 4:55 am as I think she may be thirsty at night?? I woke before 7 and laid there for the longest time but did drift till after 8 when I started the coffee and repeated my morning routine. It is -2 out today and sunny!! We enjoyed a cup in bed then both got on with the day.

Checking on the table repairs I removed the clamps and found both very successful Time to glue the other leg and another veneer spot on the tabletop. Inside I got busy with marketing getting an ad for the art deco cabinet on Etsy thinking about it early this am. Once it was loaded, I wrote a tutorial for the vintage floral tin then did the posting for it. S vacuumed the floor after his breakfast and news search then had to have a nap with such exertion.  He did make us tuna sandwiches for lunch. thanks.

I antique white dresser lady messaged they were on their way from Regina so I had S help me move it up to the door. B and Coop arrived after 12 to feed and do horses things on this lovely day. I headed out to work on the projects doing a raised stencil on the mirror first off. The table had more hand sanding done.

The dresser folks arrived after 2 having a few wrong turns. They got the dresser loaded and after a visit headed off to Edmonton before heading back to Regina. Britt and Coop were off for home just after they arrived. Quite a trip for a Creative Moments piece. 

I headed back to the table, S took a loop around the yard to scoop poop he could see and get fresh air. He then took a drive to get the mail and a loop around our neighborhood for coyotes. When he was back I had him help me glue the table together as needed 4 hands and more clamps. We succeeded and put the corner piece he built on and left it to dry.

Back inside I wrote an Etsy ad for Sheldon's bison mounts as they are not selling on Kijiji. Please check out all my Etsy ads just to give them traction. He prepped steaks and a potato pack for supper and put on BBQ. I had marinated Brussel sprouts overnight, so they went in the oven. It was a delicious supper cooked in -4 that S thought felt cold. After supper we headed out for a soak in the hot tub. It was quite nice at -4 with soft snow falling. Back inside it was a quick rinse then he back to football and hockey games and I wrote the blog for today. I then moved into bed to watch more Wednesday almost finishing the season but not quite. It was -11 with fresh snow softly coming down when I shut the lights off.

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