Monday, December 26, 2022

Boxing Day

My sleep was solid till 7 but I drifted back not getting up till 9 to give H her meds and feed them all. The cats were then sent outside as it was PLUS 3 out and melting. But sadly is overcast and a bit blustery. My headache was finally gone but oddly had a nauseous feeling all day as did S. Coffee was started with Mom and S up now too. Unfortunately I got a call Dad had fallen again getting out of wheelchair at breakfast but no injuries. I got Mom a go cup for her coffee and she was off to help him with breakfast at 10.

Sheldon cooked toad in a hole for K, N and himself. I cooked one for Shaina when she surfaced. Nathan packed up Beans and they headed back to the city to get some work done . The 4 of us played crib then S went for a hot tub before he cleaned filters. Us girls played blitz finishing up when Britt and Cooper arrived before 1. She fed horses then trimmed Lexi and Harleys toenails then the city girls packed up and headed home. B and Coop headed home then too. Time to tidy up games and the main room.

S napped in big brown wheel H and I went for a walk in the blustery but PLUS 6 day. The sun finally popped out as we walked back. I did a search and find for an esophagus in the snowbank before coming in to try and catch up on the blog. S and I played crib on our new crib board then prepped a steak supper. The steak was really good but the potato/carrot/cheese package ended up blackened so I passed on it but S ate what was salvageable. S moved to TV room to watch the hockey game and I worked on the computer with a hot tub part way thru. This was his second of the day and my first in many days. It was nice to have above zero weather outside to soak.

Still feeling off we headed to bed after the hockey game ended after 7 to watch some Succession with a yogurt bowl. It didn't take long to become drowsy even with a percussion massage while watching. To be sure he slept S took a sleeping aid and was fast asleep by 8:30. I read for a bit then lights out. I did wake when Harley barked at Mom's 9:30 arrival which reminded me I forgot her pills so went and did that and left her in the garage for the night. Back in bed I remembered we forgot to put the cats in the shop, oopps.

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