Sunday, December 18, 2022

Another game night & green chicken

 Blustery night with -22 upon waking. Mom had started her car at 8:30 so I started coffee and fed H and cats. She ventured off to town before 9 but got stuck at yard gate a few seconds after leaving. S was up and starting a fire so got dressed and went out to try and get it out. He was back to grab a shovel and dress warmer while Mom woke Dale. The boys quickly had it out then drove back thru to the gate for her to head off.

I cooked the fellows and Mya once up toad in a holes for breakfast along with a couple pots of coffee. We also watched the last half of the FIFA finale. Dale and Mya were off at 11:30 to visit Dad and do a bit of shopping before they set off for home. S and I sat in front of the blazing fire on our devices relaxing.

After lasagna for lunch S went out to push snow and I to catch up blog and marketing. I was cleaning kitty litter box when he was coming back in. We played sequence and crib in front of the fire with a rum for a most lovely Sunday afternoon. It was then time to prep veggies to roast and get the chicken in the oven. H was fed and more meals measured out while S cancelled his bison kill for tomorrow.

Britt and Cooper arrived to join us for the evening at 4:30. She went and fed as I got supper out and S carving the chicken. HOLY CRAP when he cut into the center it opened to reveal green meat!! B did online research to find it called green muscle disease. Cooper got all that part of the chicken, S carved the rest with the research saying safe to eat. Dave arrived and we all had supper at the table which is rare.

what the heck!!!

video look at it

After supper we tidied up and had a game night playing 2 more new games Blitz and Monopoly Deal then followed it up with Sequence. They headed home at 11:30 as B has to work tomorrow. I had to read my new vet book before lights out at 1230.

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