Monday, December 19, 2022

COLD out

 It was -29 with a wind chill of -44 this am!!! Poor horses is our first thought. H got her pills and she and cats fed before coffee. The morning was spent trying to warm the house as the indoor temp was down to 18 and the furnace has been plugging away for awhile. There seems to be an issue every year which starts with the frozen over outlet valve and moves on to a cold hot blowing of air once working. I started a fire then did marketing and computer work while S did the heat troubleshooting.

that bird is back

We watched news and ate lasagna for lunch then I went out to feed the horses seeing they had been in all morning standing at the shelter in the sun. I put H’s coat on too to come with me. Borrowing Sheldon's balaclava and mitts made a huge difference for me. Standing out of the wind dressed appropriately was not too bad. I hope the horse blankets add this feeling for them. I had to bring H back as her feet were froze. I fetched oats and sunflower seeds along with veggie peels for the other 3 but be damned if the veggies were not rocks in about 5 minutes. Once they all finally finished eating I returned to the warm house.

watch my video below to see the snow

Finally after over 5 hours the furnace caught up to 22 inside and shut off. It was time for a shower now the water tank got its turn to run. The bright sunshine was lovely to see shining in the windows. We played the new card games while sitting in it.

S hopped into big brown for a nap so I caught up the blog for today as the fire blazed and sun shone thru the winter as it started to set now 3:30. After the nap S was organizing his bison orders. Pet feeding, kitty litter cleaning and chatting with bell for awhile getting phone info was up next for me before we had leftovers for supper. 

We were playing a game of crib in front of the fire with my new phone updating when B and Coop arrived for a very short bathroom break. They were then headed back home to finish her bathroom updates she is working on. S of course has hockey playing on TV. I finished setting up my new phone, meds to H, made us yogurt bowls then headed to bed at 9 to read with S joining me but asleep after a few pages of his book.

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