Sunday, October 10, 2021

Thanksgiving dinner at Paetz's

It was a busy night for H who started out sleeping in the garage but at 3:30 I heard her scratch to come in and straight to the front door. She did her business and right back in but then again wanted out at 5:30 and then again before 7. Each time she did her thing right away except the latest time where she thought eating some of the ornamental grass was in order. Perhaps she has a bit of a tummy issue? Anyway I put her then back in the garage to sleep until I was up to feed her at 9. Then it was An iced coffee and onto marketing.

The coffee table tutorial was published and sent, posted and shared where needed. The wind continues to pick up this am ;( but it is sunny at least. 

This changed as I was chopping apples for my apple cobbler when Britt and Coop arrived at noon. Soon after the clouds rolled in and rain started and the wind blew even harder. She put away some horse things while the feed soaked and once I got the cobblers in the oven I too went to the garage tidied and threw in coveralls to wash. I got the quilt rack back together. Shaina arrived home at 2 as  I was teaching Britt how to patch a horse blanket. She was off for a nap while B got the patchwork done. 

above 1 of 2 pieces done and below 1 of 2 cobblers

Once finished up by 3 she was off to change clothes and meet us at Paetz's. I ran out in the blustery rain and scooped all the poop piles to avoid them all mushed in (yep I am OCD like that) then backed out the car that was so clean and shiny. I hesitated about taking it but it is just rain right? I fed the cats before heading to town behind her. 

Craig had the Thanksgiving dinner all under way, well done. B arrived not long after then Shaina so we all played five crowns till supper was ready. It was super delicious!! THANKS guys. After supper we played more card games and had my apple cobbler dessert. 

The evening was wrapped up before 11 as we all headed home, Thanks again Paetz family for the yummy supper and entertainment! xoxo

of course we had a bit of fun with the Snapchat filters in the night LOL

all the oldies

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