Monday, October 18, 2021

Stella is here!!

 S and I were up for a somber morning coffee after I fed H who slept with J in the garage last night. I worked on a bit of marketing and email catchup. Shaina joined us and requested S trap the fox seeing it most likely would be back. He started prep and headed out to get the one we have that he thinks is too small. I was brushing teeth and dressing for the day when I looked out to see him coming back with Stella in his arms!!! Oh what a happy feeling that was to see. Shaina raced up to see her too and took her to the garage to join J before she was back to work. Wherever she was she is here now!

S worked on his trap getting bait (soft cat food and some offal Stella did not finish in the garage) I got busy with the dressers staining the top again then starting on sanding the drawer fronts. I tested 2 and the mirror with hemp oil and left soak in while I went in to do a bit more computer work.

I am pretty stoked my orchid is shooting up new flower stems!!

S went and set up the trap along the big evergreen trees as I sanded and oiled the rest of the dressers and drawers. I came in just after 12 where we had leftover pizza, caught a bit of the news. Shaina popped up to and heated a mug of soup to go having to train Sharon at 12:30. We followed close behind to vote and run errands. Voting was really a waste of time really as our guy was automatically in and the referendum votes are questionable. We also had a senator vote which we were totally unprepared for.

Looping around town we grabbed some jars, picked up Cooper, picked up an antique sewing machine body I was gifted then renewed the vehicle registrations. Shaina met us there to grab her wallet she left at the house and an apple as she has to run to the city to get a bracket glued on for her braces. Groceries were next; S dropped me at the door then grabbed 2 teas and was back to get me at the door. A person had frozen meat to give away so as we waited to hear where we took the dogs to the nearby dog park for Cooper to pee quick. They had a quick fun race around with a few dogs then we were loaded up and back at the ranch at 2:30. 

Dogs, groceries and sewing machine unloaded and I was on the computer catching up the blog. S went and closed the back cat door on the shop to prepare to shut them in at nights till the fox is captured then back to his big brown nap.

I wiped the oil off the dressers while starting chili for supper. Shaina arrived back home from the city and to her office. It seems I forgot to have sleep joe watch hamburger but he smelled it nearly burning and saved it, yeah! We made the chili then I made new seasoning while S ran to check mail and check his trap.

Shaina joined us for supper then back to work. Sheldon was off to TV room for sports. Britt was out after 6, fed her horses as I was putting the kitties away for the night. She came in for chili too before heading home at 7. I did my usual marketing then Netflix viewing.

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